Sun Rise

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Remus is jolted awake the next morning by a sharp pain. He opens his eyes and looks around. Nausea sets in as he looks at the trail of blood and destruction the wolf has left behind. He freezes as he remembers his friends last night and as much as he is afraid to he scans the room for them. "Please no Godric please no." He forces himself up into a sitting position to get a better look around but is forced to lay down again. He closes his eyes for a moment to try to still the room as it dances before him. "Godric please." All Remus can think of his is friends. 'Friends,' He would have laughed it if didn't hurt him so much, 'no they were your friends after last night they won't be anymore. You will be lucky if you are even allowed to stay at Hogwarts now. You'll be even luckier if you didn't hurt anyone. Your secret is out Remus.' Remus sits up again and looks at the blood splattered room that lays in shambles around him. Bit by bit he scans the room and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees no sign of his friends. Just then he hears footsteps and a female voice.

"Remus? Oh, my," Madam Pomfrey says as she hurries into the room, "You were late so I thought I would come and check," Remus lets out a small sound as he allows himself to lay back down and Pomfrey continues, "I'm sorry. I know you want your privacy but your health is more important." She immediately sets to work cleaning and healing Remus's worse wounds, "The rest will have to wait till we get back to the Hospital Wing. You did quite the number on yourself last night...I wonder what caused you to get all worked up." Remus opens his mouth to answer but stops as his thoughts take hold again, 'That means James, Peter, and Sirius didn't go running and telling everyone in the school what I am. If Pomfrey doesn't know maybe no one else does?' This slim sliver of hope allows him to relax a bit as Madam Pomfrey helps him onto a conjured stretcher. Remus winces as he notices he leg is at an impossibly awkward angle. "Here Remus," Madam Pomfrey holds a small vial to his lips that Remus recognizes as his usual sleeping and pain draught, "something told me to bring it with me this time." Remus gladly drinks it. Normally he doesn't like to but he is in such pain and at the moment he would do anything to escape it. Pomfrey smiles kindly at him as she floats the stretcher out of the room, "Just lay down and relax dear you will be fine in no time." Remus lays back as the potions start to take effect.

Remus Lupin: Lone MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now