Part 11 | Gene

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"So, today's highlight is when you're talking about Gene, you're talking about DNA. That's all for today— group 5, you're next for the presentation. Don't forget to hand me out the hard copy. Thank you. Have a good day, everyone."

Grace took her glasses off as soon as she ended the class. The students quickly left the room and leave Grace alone. She tidied up her things and bring her device back to her office.

That was the second class for today. It's almost lunchtime but she has to go to Shane's school immediately.

Something's wrong with Shane this morning but Grace needed a time to finish her morning classes first. It was from his homeroom teacher. It wasn't a good news, she believed that this was the second time Grace was being called by his homeroom teacher.

Soon as she arrived at the school, they took Grace to the teacher's office. She was greeted by other teachers there and of course the one and only Shane— the bruised that he got on his face was made her believe enough that this'll not end well.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Kim. Good to see you." His homeroom teacher greeted her.

"Good to see you too, Mrs. Kang." Grace said and turned her gaze back to her son.

"What happened to my son?"
"He got into fights."
"What did he do now?"
"Shane will give you the details. Just ask him to explain it now."

Grace frowned and took her step forward to Shane. He sat there lazily with his heads down. He doesn't want to look at his Mom.

"Shane, honey. Are you okay?" He scoffed and looked at her.

"I'm fine."
"Did you get into fights? What's wrong now? Shane, oh God! This is the second time the school called me!"
"What? Oh, so you're mad at me now? You must be embarrassed to have a son like me!"
"Shane, don't talk like that!"

Grace shouted at him. She could hear the other teacher started to talk behind her. They even make it obvious as they gave her an unamused look in the room.

"The school doesn't want any further fights so I inform you to keep your voice down a little bit, Ms. Kim."

Grace rolled her eyes as she sighed. She rubbed her temple and apologized to the teachers there.

"What should I do now?" Grace asked after she remained calm.

"Shane will take two weeks of suspension. He also got caught smoking in the bathroom with the victim before they fought."
"The victim? What do you mean— My son's a victim. He's bleeding!"
"Apparently, your son started it first. He beat his friend in the bathroom and the bruises on his face was from the other student who tried to stop the fights."
"Mrs. Kang, there must be a reason Shane beat his friend, isn't it?"
"I told you, Shane will give you the details. But, the rules don't apply any violence against one and another. The kid needs to go to the hospital and Shane admit that he's the one who started the fight."

Mrs. Kang once again sighed and she started to stood up from her chair.

"I need you to read the letter first and later on, I need you to sign this. I'm heading to principal's office now and I'll see you there."

It was like a time bomb, she wanted to let out her emotion. She just couldn't stand to look at Shane right now. She didn't know how to judge, either it's her fault or himself.

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