Part 19 | Excruciating

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Grace put her phone down on the nightstand after she sent her email to the new professor at her University. She yawned as she stretched her arms out. She looked at the clock and it showed that it was 3 am in the morning.

What a dream. She thought as she slowly got up from the bed.

She walked to the desk and she sat on the chair quietly. She remembered she had another person on the bed so she wasn't alone.

It's been a week, Grace has been staying at Na Jaemin's house. Not to forget about Shane, he also stayed with her Mom at his Dad's house.

She turned the computer on due to the professor who just asked her in the middle of the night to download the file of the article that he needed it this morning. It was for their project— he asked Grace to do a research as the new semester starts and in order to fulfill all the requirements for their accreditation.

"Na Jaemin." She called after she found out that she needs a password to login to his computer.

He groaned lazily. He opened his eyes slowly as he moved his body to the side. Yet he didn't care and continued to sleep.

"Na Jaemin, what's your password again?"

Grace sighed and she decided to stood up from the chair. She patted his back but still she got no response from him.

"Na Jaemin, come on. What's your password? I need it now for my research."
"What research?" He mumbled in his sleep.

"My research. I need to download the file from the Professor."
"God, what time is it— Are you doing your research at this hour?!" He sat up quickly after he looked at the clock on the wall.

"I just need to download the article. He needs it immediately."

He groaned as he ruffled his own hair. He squinted his eyes as he looked at Grace. He realized that the room was too dark so he quickly switched the lights on.

"Shane's. The password is Shane's birthday."

Grace smiled and walked faster to the computer. She typed and she successfully logged into his computer. She quickly opened the browser to search for the email.

"That's it? You woke me up in the middle of the night just for that?" Na Jaemin suddenly asked and it made Grace stopped and chuckled for a second.

"I'm sorry, baby. I need it."

Na Jaemin stunned in the place. The word 'baby' was too hard to process right now. He just woke up and he was sure that his soul was indeed still sleeping.

"Finish it and go back to sleep."
"I will."

He let out an exhale and he decided to go to the bathroom.

Grace looked at his computer back and started to download the article. She needed to wait for fifteen minutes since the file was big enough. She sighed as she clicked the button to open the folder as she was trying to make her own folder for the article.

She remained as she looked at the name of the folder that caught her eyes soon after she opened it. It was her name as in written in lower case letters.


She clicked the folder slowly and it showed up a lot of pictures of hers from years ago.

"What..." She said as she looked at the picture one bye one.

She could remember it well. Most of them were from Na Jaemin's old camera that he had back then in his place. Some of them were from their vacation in Bali. She stared at one picture of them together while they were together in Na Jaemin's parents house.

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