Part 13 | McNuggets

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The morning came so fast. Grace groaned to the sound of her alarm. She turned it off and she lazily got up from her bed. It's 7 am in the morning, she needed to get ready to wash up. She had her appointment to get her license. Yep, she finally passed the test and she was now able to drive as a beginner.

Right after she arrived at the police station, she waited in the queue with pretty much people there. She was on her leave since she knew that things will never go as its plan when she's dealing with the service in the police station.

She checked her phone and she wasn't surprised at all to see a notification from Na Jaemin on her screen. They talked last night on the phone. It wasn't her plan, but she needed to ask him about Shane.

"Tell me when you're finish. I'll make sure to come on time."

She read it and without she realized it, she was smiling like an idiot in the room.

Na Jaemin promised her to pick her up after she get her license. She denied it at first, but she also thought that maybe this could be the right time to talk to him about their son since she's going to be free all day.

She jolted after the queue number on the screen popped up with the sound that alarmed her to go to the customer service to get her license. She quickly stood up and approached one of the customer care inside the cubicle.

Right after she finished paying the fee, she rushed out to go outside and call Na Jaemin right away.

"Hey, did you finished?"

She smiled hearing the sound of his voice.

"I did. Where are you?"

"Home, but I'm ready to go. Will you please wait for me about twenty minutes? I can't guarantee you tho, more or less?"

She chuckled as Na Jaemin said that. This city is vey busy and she knew so well about the road that takes him to get here.

"No, it's alright. I'll wait for you."

She smiled once again and ended the call.

The weather was great, the sun shines so brightly this morning. Not to mention about the cool breeze since it's almost near October and of course, the song that played on the radio. She could hear the person who sat down beside her started humming to the song.

"Genuine question, why are you so eager to get a driver license?"

She startled since she was too focused to hear his little voice humming to the song.

"I need something new in my life."
"You know, I still prefer to seat on the passenger seat rather than to drive by my own."

She chuckled, "Says the guy who always complain about the uber driver in the city."

He laughed and leaned his elbow against the window.

"I will never complain if the driver treated me nicely."
"You just never satisfied with people's treatment."
"Hey, who told you that?"
"Oh, come on! I knew you so well!" Grace shouted and laughed at the same time.

It was when she realized, she has been caught laughing with him. She looked at him and wrinkled her eyes at him. She let out a chuckles once again and pushed his shoulder.

"Na Jaemin, don't give me that look!"
"Why? It's because you kept laughing."
"No, you gave that pathetic look— I know my jokes weren't funny at all."
"No, you're funny."
"Don't pity me. Okay, can we talk something else?"

He smiled and stopped his car as the red light in front of them showed up.

"I knew you well, too." He said and it suddenly breaks the silence between them.

NOTHING BUT YOU: FOREVER YOU | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now