Part 16 | Begin Again

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Grace took a deep breath in the mirror after she was done with the outfit that she chose for today's date. She spent almost an hour just to pick the dress that she needed to wear.

It's almost 10 am in the morning, she just finally finished with her makeup and now she's debating on which shoes she should wear.

Na Jaemin never liked her with heels. He said this one time that it gave her the same height as him. He never pictured Grace to have the same height as him. It does bother him, but not for her. She likes to wear heels.

She decided to wear her usual ballet flat with the blue floral flowy dress that she bought last year for Shane's graduation party in his school back then in Taipei.

She grabbed her bag and she was ready to leave her room. She saw Shane playing with his phone in the living room as he was laying down on the couch. With just a second Grace stepped in to the living room, Shane sat up and saw her Mother dressed so beautifully in front of him.

He smiled and put his phone down to the table. He raised his brow at his Mom and gave her a little chuckle.

"Are you really a Mother?"

Grace laughed. She walked toward him as Shane stood up from the couch.

"How do I look?"
"Wow..." He stopped, "Is this the reason why people always mistook you as my girlfriend? You're aging backwards, Mom."

Grace continued to laugh as she rolled her eyes to her son. She fanned her face with her hands. She admitted that she was shy after she heard her son's words about her looks.

"Is this too much?"
"No, Mom. You look beautiful as always."

With that, Shane smiled and pulled his Mom into his embrace. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

Grace pouted on his shoulder. She tapped his back twice as her reaction of Shane's nonstop-compliments session.

Grace pulled out from his hug as she looked at Shane in the eye. She smiled and she ruffled his hair gently. "What do you want for dinner? I could stop at the restaurant nearby after I finish my date with your Dad."

"What do you mean? You're going back home?"
"S—sure," She wrinkled her face at him. "What do you mean?"

However, Shane just chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows to her Mom. "Shane, stop!" She shouted as her brain finally worked on what her son meant by that.

"Shane, oh my God! What are you thinking?!" They both laughed so hard as Shane slowly walked away from his Mom.

"Hey, Shane! Don't tell me that you're thinking about something that you shouldn't be thinking of! You're fifteen!" Shane stopped for a moment at the kitchen and let his mouth agape.

"Mom, come on! Stop treating me a like a kid!" He let out a giggle and saw her Mom was blushing.

"I know, honey— But, listen." Grace let out an exhale and rubbed her temple gently.

She let out a chuckled one more time and walked closer to her son. "We're going on a date, but not 'that' date. I'll come home on time."

Shane just nodded. However, Grace could see what he was doing there. He kept making her flush in the place.

"I do believe you. But, if you want to extend your date with 'that' date—"
"Shane, stop!"

Before Shane could finish that, he was running fast to his room.

Right after leaving her apartment, she was welcomed with the sound of car's horns. She quickly looked at the direction of the car and smiled.

The person inside just rolled the window down and showed his expensive sunnies up on his forehead. He waved at her as she walked faster to his car.

NOTHING BUT YOU: FOREVER YOU | Na JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now