AroAce Buddies 💕

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Luminix had met both Paradox and Solar Flare, getting some information about the robots being a significant other for Pulsar and Eclipse. Luminix didn't quite get the whole relationship thing since ve never experienced such a thing. Luminix decided to ask Solaris about the lack of attraction that ve were feeling and wanted some answers.

Luminix knocked on Solaris's door and waited for them to open up, rocking back and forth of ver feet and swinging ver arms. It felt fun to entertain verself while waiting. That was also something that ve didn't get. But, ve didn't mind, ve were having fun and distracted. Too distracted. Distracted well enough that Luminix didn't realize that Solaris opened the door and was now watching ver.

"Having fun there?" Solaris asked, startling Luminix. Solaris chuckled. "Sorry. Did you need anything?" Solaris said, placing a gentle hand on Luminix's shoulder.

"Yes. Can I come in first?" Luminix gestured, and Solaris nodded, moving aside so the other could walk in. Once ve did, Luminix looked at Solaris, going back to rocking back and forth of ver feet and swinging ver arms.

"What's up?" Solaris asked, putting a hand on their hip.

"What's with all the romantic attraction lately? Pulsar has Paradox. Eclipse has Solar Flare. I don't get it. Is this something everyone experiences? Or is it just an attraction that everyone has?" Luminix asked, still swinging ver arms and rocking on ver feet.

Solaris hummed and replied. "Well, some people experience either romantic or sexual attraction. Some don't. And, both are ok... wait, did you say Eclipse has Solar Flare? Who's that?" Solaris's face was full of confusion.

"Ya know how Paradox looks?" Luminix asked, getting a nod. "Well, think of xer, but different. A cream colour with an orange look." Luminix responded. 

Solaris hummed again in acknowledgment and crossed his arms. Luminix continued to talk. "Anyways, is it most people who feel those types of attractions? Or is there a percentage?" Luminix asked.

"Well, I don't know the exact percentage, but there's quite a few people who experience attraction. Some romantic. Some sexual. Both, maybe. Or, none." Solaris replied.

Luminix's rays perked up. "You can experience nothing?" Luminix tilted ver head.

"Well... in a way. It's called aroace. More specially; aromantic asexual. I'm aroace. I experience little to no romantic and sexual attraction." Solaris explained as he watched as Luminix's facial expressions shift through many emotions.

"Oohhh. That's a thing?" Luminix's rays spun in curiosity.

"Yes. AroAce is a thing. It's actually a pretty good thing. At least for me. No need to worry about heartbreak or trying to find the right person. Think of a "me, myself and I" situation. Yeah?" Solaris said.

Luminix thought for a moment and nodded happily. "Yes. AroAce sounds fun!" Luminix let out a cute smile, tilting ver head in happiness.

Solaris chuckled and walked closer to Luminix and placed a hand on ver shoulder. "What brought this up?" Solaris asked.

"Well, seeing as the others have their significant others, made me curious. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them. They have their happiness." Luminix said, sticking ver tounge out a bit and licked ver lips. "But, I don't get attraction. I thought you might know. And you did." Luminix said.

Solaris laughed. "Well, I'm glad I could help you out, but you should know that the others know what AroAce is. Not just me. No need to be awkward about asking the others just because they have lovers." Solaris stated, giggling as he watched as ver had an "oh" look plastered on ver face.

"Ok. So, I'm aroace then... awesome!. Just like you!" Luminix exclaimed.

Solaris laughed again. "Yes. Just like me." Solaris giggled, getting caught off guard as Luminix hugged them.

Solaris hummed in content and hugged back. "Feel good about your sexuality?" Solaris asked.

"Very. I have an aroace buddy!" Luminix said, hugging tighter.

Solaris playfully scoffed but didn't protest, pulling Luminix in closer. "Yes, you do, Lumi. Yes, you do." Solaris said.

The two stood in silence before Luminix piped up. "Oh... what's your gender identity?" Luminix asked.

Solaris snorted. "Bold. I like it. Agender. Meaning, I don't have a gender or "lack thereof." Yeah?  Understand?" Solaris asked.

Luminix paused and gasped. "Triple A buddies." ver whispered in astonishment, making Solaris snort and laugh again.

"Goddamn... you're funny. So, agender for you too?" Solaris smiled, feeling Luminix nod enthusiastically. "Hm. Good... good." Solaris said quietly.

The two continued to stay in each other's arms, leaving Solaris content with helping Luminix figure verself out and leaving Luminix content with someone that could relate to ver.

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