Walking the Cat 💕

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Ever since Luminix got verself a cat, ve spent most of ver time with Domino and confining verself with the fluffy feline while also researching more things about cats and how to entertain them. While doing so, Luminix found videos of people walking their cats, and that inspired ver to train Domino to walk with a harness and leash. Luminix conjured up those items and grabbed Domino.

"C'mere, Domino. We're gonna get you out and about." Luminix said, placing Domino on the bed and grabbing the harness.

Domino flopped on the bed, which made it a little difficult to get the harness on, but Luminix made it work. Domino had wide eyes and stayed plopped on the bed with Luminix laughing and gave ver cat some pets.

"Domino... it's ok. Wanna try to walk?" Luminix cooed, picking Domino up and placing him on his feet, only to result in Domino flopping back down. Luminix was in a full giggling fit and tried again, this time holding Domino in place. "Domino... what's wrong?" Luminix asked through fits of giggles.

Domino meowed. Luminix chuckled and kissed the top of Domino's head and took the harness off. "Ok, next time. But, I assure you, I will get you to walk with a harness and leash." Luminix said, petting Domino, whom headbutted Luminix. Ve smiled and kissed Domino's head.

Luminix hummed and thought for a moment and gasped in excitement and picked up Domino, and held him close; feeling giddy as ve felt Domino snuggled in ver arms and walked out of ver bedroom. Luminix started to walk around the house, which was growing ever so often, and Luminix looked in awe.

"Wow... it's growing so much, Domino." Luminix said, giving ver cat some scritches and feeling the low purring.

While walking around, Luminix and Eclipse managed to run into each other, and Eclipse had to do a double take with the sudden feline in Luminix's arms. Luminix took notice and gave a little wave. Eclipse gave an awkward wave.

"Hey... where did the cat come from?" Eclipse asked, pointing to the cat that was snuggled up in Luminix's arms. Luminix smiled and brought Domino up a little.

"This is Domino. I conjured him up. I found out about cats recently, and when Solaris found out about me finding out cats, they told me I could conjure up my own cat companion." Luminix grinned.

"Oh. That's cute." Eclipse said, bringing a finger up to Domino's face, letting him sniffed them and rubbing his face on Eclipse's hand, receiving pets. Eclipse hummed and chuckled. "I may have to take Solaris's advice and conjure up my own pet companion." Eclipse said, still petting Domino while looking up at Luminix.

"It's the best. I'm trying to get Domino to walk." Luminix said, looking at ver companion.

"Oh. Is Domino unable to walk?" Eclipse titled their head in confusion.

Luminix, too, had a confused look on ver face before shaking ver face. "Oh. No. He can. I mean 'walking' walking." Luminix explained to the best of ver abilities.

Eclipse took a second to process the information and got a look that told the other that he got. "Ooooh. You mean walking him like a dog? Putting a harness and leash on him?" Eclipse asked, getting a nod.

"Yes. That's correct. Also, what's a dog? I want one." Luminix said, getting a laugh from Eclipse.

"No. No. Dogs are a bit too much for now. But, good luck. Cats are stubborn when it comes to that sort of stuff. I admire your commitment, though. You have a lot of patience." Eclipse said, putting a hand on his hip. 

Luminix giggled. "That's what you get when you're a servant." Luminix paused and stuttered, taking in of what ve just said. "I-I mean... ya know... ex-servant. Patience has been a virtue for me. But, yeah. I wanna be able to walk Domino around." Luminix said.

Eclipse placed one of his hands on Luminix's shoulder in a comforting manner once he saw the shift in ver face when ve said that ve were a servant. "Hey, that's a virtue that's good to have. And, I knew what you mean about being a former assistant. Takes time to break that habit." Eclipse said, now both of their top hands on Luminix's shoulders.

Luminix let out a small chuckle and looked up at Eclipse. "Thank you." Luminix smiled, getting a smile back. Eclipse patted ver head and gave Domino a few more pets and hummed.

"Also, what inspired you for the name 'Domino'? Never heard of an animal named that." Eclipse asked.

"I don't know. People had named their cats weird things all the time." Luminix pointed out. Eclipse nodded in agreement and started to walk with Luminix.

"So, is this stage one of walking Domino?" Eclipse joked.

Luminix snorted and nodded in a joking manner. "Yes. It is."

Fits of laughter came from both parties as both parties continued to walk and talk.

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