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//I don't own toh//

//If I did, flapjack would still be alive😔//


They both walk silently back to Matt's house. The silence between them is awkward but also calming.
A few minutes pass and they arrive at their destination.
They walk in, both silent with a hint of tension in the air.
Gus silently chuckles every now and then at the memory of Matt's embarrassed face.

Matt, however is still quite grumpy, even though the prank was his idea.

Gus notices Matt's still planted expression on his face. "Are you seriously still mad about it?" Gus asks as he sits down on a chair.

Matt only responds with an eye roll and a pouted grunt. His eyebrows still scrunched as he frowns.

"If you keep frowning like that, wrinkles will form on your face and you will look like a rat's butt" Gus says in a sarcastic tone.

Matt doesn't respond as he walks over to the closet and snatches a towel so he can dry himself off.

Gus starts to get annoyed.
He doesn't get why Matt is so mad, it was just a playful joke after all.

"Matt, you're acting like a child, it was just a harmless prank that backfired on you" Gus says in a slightly annoyed tone.

Matt turns around to face Gus.
"A harmless prank? I thought you drowned!" Matt sighs angrily.
"You can't joke about that kind of stuff".

"I was just having some fun, plus you can't be the one to complain.
Last I know, you were the one that tried to push me into the lake" Gus slouches into the chair.

"Hey I!-..." Matt sighs, not being able to think of a reasonable excuse. "Fine! Sorry that I tried to push you into the lake. But you have to apologize too" Matt shifts his head as he dries his hair.

"Why do I have to apologize?" Gus questions.

"Because I'm the one who got soaked and you almost gave me a heart attack cause I thought you drowned!" Matt huffs like a train.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry that you got soaked and I almost gave you a heart attack" Gus apologizes.

"Good" Matt lays down on his bed with a thump.

"What time is it?" Gus asks as he stuffs his supplies into his bag.

Matt looks over to the clock and reads the time. "It's 6:47pm" Matt sighs.

"I have to go now, I'll see you at school" Gus says as he puts his belongings in his bag.

"Hey Matt, don't forget about the sleepover tomorrow at the owl house" Gus smiles, gazing back at Matt.

Matt thinks for a moment before answering. "when is it?" He wonders.

"The sleepover is tomorrow afternoon at 3pm" Gus smiles and turns to leave. "See you later Matty" Gus smiles as he walks out.

"Uh huh, see you later" Matt says. Watching Gus leave.

Damn I haven't posted in a long time... Anyways!

How was your dayyy😃

The Aching of a Heart | a Gustholomule fanfic  Where stories live. Discover now