CH 3

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"Are you awake my cute little Trev" I turned around to see it was my mother.

"Oh my !! You are already awake , see who had come to say hello to you".

I noticed the other woman who was just behind her.
Hmm I have seen her before but where...hmm...ah...The Queen. I should do the proper greeting.
"Greetings to her Majesty and My Queen", I greeted them with my hand on my chest and my head hung low. This is not the official greeting but it would pass for now or so I thought.
But what's wrong with there face , they look so surprised. Did I do something wrong ?! Isn't it supposed to be like this... what should I do!!?

"My little angel is a genius".
I heard my mother squealed and the Queen, she was just stunned.

"Trev where did you learn to do it"

"Umm, mother it was in this book". I replied her holding the a children's story book about a poor girl falling in love with prince. Don't ask me how they made this into children's books even I don't get the logic.

"Of course my baby is a gentleman, he picked things up quicker than normal babies".

Excuse me , i haven't even turned into a boy. Whatever, I love my mother so I would let it slide. But the Queen, she doesn't look good. Hmm!? What's with her tummy... perhaps is she...

"Ah I forgot to tell you, you're soon gonna have a sibling" my mother declared it excitedly.

As I thought she was pregnant. Wait wasn't my father head over hills for my mother. I do remember that the second prince was only one year younger than me but I didn't quite expect it to be this soon.
Oh! I remember now why the Queen was looking at me as if I made a grave mistake. She is the jealous type here. She just hates my mother too much because my mother was a commoner. A commoner with two magical affinity which was a rare case. A commoner who took her position as the Empress and gave birth to crown prince a.k.a me. And to her demise I am considered a genius.

I was titled as a genius a month before on a very dreamy night when the moon shone brightly beautifying all the flowers and giving a limelight in the library.
I was reading the world history from a book written for a five year old child. After completing all the three books, when I looked to the other father was standing there with a very serious face. I walked towards him quietly and looked up to him waiting for his response.

"You can read all those books?".
I was caught already so there is no point in hiding.

"Yes" I replied without looking away from him.

"What other things can you do ?" I have to say everything I have done till now. Well here it goes,

"My voice ish nut clear but I can read all buks. I no write it plopelly but I get whut all these people say."

"So, have you already learned the geographical details about this world ?"

"Hmm" I nodded agreeing with him.

He was a little surprised with it but accepted quite easily. He asked his secretary who was hiding in the shadows to declare that the first prince is a genius born in history and to call the headmaster of the academy to come to the palace immediately.
I can already see my peaceful life flying away...I'm really fucked in here.

The very next day, an old man was sitting right in front of me. Alfred Roosevelt, headmaster of Great Royale Academy is a great scholar and a genius magician. Just looking at his face, I can say that he is thinking 'is this some kind of joke'.
Well I won't deny it. Anybody would think the same after looking at a boy who would just be turning eight months old called as a genius.

"My prince, you can already read and understand these books, right?",he asked referring to the books I have finished reading.

"Ish right", I replied.

"So you won't mind me asking simple questions from these books". I shook my head from left to right saying I won't mind.

And there he goes asking me questions which are difficult to answer with the mouth of mine but I did it somehow. He lied me saying he would ask simple questions. But from the look of it I have managed to surprise him.

"Your highness can read and understand a book properly which is quite a feat for your age but couldn't write the letters properly, then how did you learn the letters and know the meaning of words?",he asked giving me a questioning look.

I wasn't expecting him to ask that .

"Elli, my maid and Jacob, my knight, both of them taught me letters after I grabbed the letters book instead of a picture book",, it changed...yay!!!!

Now I can finally speak properly. Bye bye my baby voice, thank saints you are gone .Oh! I have even managed to surprise the headmaster more.

"I guess the Emperor wasn't joking when he said you're a genius" he said giving a pleased look.

I gave him a smiling face in return.

"That face is even lethal for this old man , your highness" he said laughingly and I was laughing with him this time.

"I would like for his highness to have a personal tutor right now, what do you think?".

I denied it saying " I would like to have a tutor after turning one year old and you are gladly invited to the ceremony".

"As you wish and I would be present there precisely", he said bowing at me and left from the room.

What a eventful.....hectic day I had today. But it was good that I can speak normally now. Well I am feeling sleepy already from all these events , I am still only seven months old.

I called Elli asking her to make arrangements because I am going to sleep until dinner. She nodded and went for the job. I do have a very efficient maid.

Thanks for reading this ch and do tell me if there is any mistake. Adios for now (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

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