CH 14

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I was too shocked to even react at this scene unfolding before me. This place feels so so uh what was the word again oh yes like I'm in a freaking fantasy unless I'm in one but still I never have imagined it to be like this even while playing the game they only mentioned about it but there was no visualisation. That shitty game keeping this away from the players. Uh let it be . Now I've got this whole place to myself hehe.

The Library somehow looked like this

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The Library somehow looked like this

"Oh hello there cute boy".

I was surprised by the voice .

"It's me can't you see me uh look up".

I looked up to see a book flying towards me . I gave that book a side eye.

"Oii don't look down on me like that. I am the librarian here".

"You are joking right, it looks like you work here."

That book hit me in the head after I said that .

"No you idiot lump of flesh. I am the librarian who owns this place and you are going to listen to me."

"It hurts you lump of paper. So if you're the librarian then help me find some books."

"What kind of books?"

"I want to........"

I said all the things I need to know about the book. Even the librarian was shocked when it heard my request .

"You know that's not entirely possible for giving you that kind of information. I thought that if you have got permission to go to this place you may want to know more about magic or something but that is not something that is given to a child like you."

I looked at him desperately begging pls let me get those books.

"I view this world differently from other people as you may have guessed already. And I swear upon my soul that this knowledge would never be misused under any circumstances."

The librarian agreed to me hesitantly. It summoned the books I needed.

"I am agreeing to this under one condition: you have to gain all the knowledge in one go and leave. You can't just go and come once you start reading . These are the 13 books for beginner knowledge and then I will provide you with advanced knowledge."

"Thank you very much", I smiled at the librarian. I sat on one of the couches and started reading .

I don't know how many days have passed right now . The only thing I know is that all I have done is read, eat, sleep, then again read, eat, sleep that's all .

The librarian has provided me with all the necessary books and I'm on my last book . Finally done I take a long sigh. The librarian came by.

"I think you have completed your mission right."

"Yes it's finally done. Thank You very much for your support." 

"I like you boy so come by some time." 

"I would love to."

With that said I went back to the palace . Wait what's this . What is going on? Why is everyone waiting for me at the door? 

"Oh god, trev."  Mother hugged me crying .

I looked at my father with a look on my face that said 'Can you tell what is going on?'

"You have been there for more than 6 months, just what are you doing inside there?"

" What's been more than six months?"

That damn book didn't even tell me that . I thought that time travels differently there than the outside world. I'm seriously gonna kill him the very next time I see him.

"I was just too busy with the books that I didn't see the time. I was even given food so I didn't have any issues."

"Issues? Then what about us trev? Have you ever thought about me and your father that we're waiting for you."

"I'm sorry mother, I was just taken by curiosity. I'm really sorry."

"Sorry won't get you any leeway. I'm banning you from the library as the empress."


"Don't even speak a word. It looks like you are really tired. Please take the crown prince to his chamber." 

With that said Elle took me out of the library . I got refreshed and went straight to bed because as my mother said I'm really tired. I must have slept for a long time because when I woke up it was already dawn. I have been out for more than six months

huh hmm wait the festival it's gonna start soon. Oh great everything is happening like in the game but this time it's gonna have a little change.

I called Elle and asked her to prepare an early breakfast in my room. I also asked about mother and father to which she said that they were really worried and it's not only them but all of the workers too.

The incident was not shared openly so many people didn't know about it. But Chris knew . Ofc he would know we exchange letters every month.

She also said that mother and father are a little busy so they won't be having breakfast with me. As for my brother Alex, he was worried but somehow all of them convinced him that I'm alright and he has been taking lessons sincerely to make me proud.

As expected from my little brother. She retired from my room after saying all that. Other maids helped me with the bath and dressing up and then I had breakfast. 

"Elle when the festival is going to start?"

'It's gonna be on the first day of next month."

"Hmm and can you bring the letters that Chris sent me."

"Yes, your highness."

She brought me the letters and extra paper and pen and then retired herself. I started reading all the letters. To be on gist he was telling how his month was spent in the first letter but when he didn't got any reply he started becoming anxious and asked around about me. And then finally found out that I went inside a secret library.

And in the later letters he was just angry at me for pulling these kinds of stunts. I replied to him with a very heartfelt apology for all the things I have done and asked him to come by for a festival where we can have all the fun we want. 

Mic test.....mic test

Sorry about all this
I won't be making any excuses
All I want to say is that this won't be the last time
I will be irregular and sorry for the inconvenience
And thank you to all of you for reading this
I'm trying my best
About next chapter..I need to get more insights cause it's festival yk there will be stalls and stalls so it might take time
Still again thanks for waiting
And sorry you have to do that again

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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