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We sat facing opposite to each other. The maids arrange snacks for us... mostly for me. All kind of sweets were there. From macarons to eclairs, from pies to puffs, from crossiants to tarts. My mouth was watering seeing all these. If it wasn't for father's decision that is hoging my mind I would be enjoying these. I looked at him asking for an explanation.

He sighed. "Alright I would tell you why I did this. You know the nobles supporting the Queen  have gone out of hand this time as the Queen is pregnant. It won't matter to them if the child born is a girl or boy, they are gonna help the baby get the throne. I'm not worrying about who is gonna sit on the throne but those noble basta...hmm are gonna monopolise the society using the baby which I don't like. I clearly understand that you don’t want this to happen. Fuck I can see that you don’t want to be a king and would willingly give your position to your siblings but those leeches won't think that way. They won't stop until they eliminate you and your mother, so it was the best choice right now".

I gave him understanding look. So it's alright to call them leeches but not bastards. Hehe.

"Listen son I want to give you a very important task. Your sibiling who is going to be born make it sure that it knows what is right and wrong from an early stage. I know for sure that Auria is gonna manipulate the baby but don't let it happen. I couldn't do this as my hands are tied hut you can. A crown prince's status is greater than that of a queen. So I believe you can do it".

"I would do it". That was my plan to begin with. In the game the two princes don't have a good relationship but I'm gonna make that happen.

There was a knock on the door startling both of us. My father return to his stoic expression and said "come in".

It was Sebastian who entered following him was father's secretary. Looking that my father didn't change his expression it seems even the butler can't be trusted. You can't blame him, all the workers here pledge to the throne not to the one who is sitting on it. But I did thought he would be in our side, guess I have to make him to my side...

"Ness...your highness!!!".

"Oh yes what is it?".

"Your highness did you like these snacks?"

"Yes. Of course I liked them. They are so sweet. These puffs were so good, they felt like clouds in my mouth", I said making a delightful face. I didn't lie they were really good and I have a soft spot for sweets.

"I would keep that in my mind and relay your message to the chef."

I nodded to his reply. He went back. Now it's just me, my father and his secretary. Father relaxed his face. Hmm that was unexpected. Oh well nothing is surprising now after my somewhat crowning ceremony.

Viscount Dane Auburn, one of the great scholar but with a cunning mind. But seeing that father relaxed his face, he can be trusted.

"Glory to his Majesty, Glory to the crown prince" he bowed his head down saying the greeting. I was correct it indeed was a formal greeting.

"Happy Birthday your highness."

"Thank you."

"I presume his majesty had already said what we have planned about you being the crown prince. As you have already learned about it , I would like to ask if you have already planned anything".

Oh he is testing me. Like seriously even tho I'm a genius it's not like I would get into politics so soon.

"I don't have any plan. We should probably wait to access the situation first after the baby was born",I said giving him an side eye look which would definitely tell him that his question was stupid.

"Hahahah!!!, oh my god it's so hilarious. A one year old child is telling the question was stupid without telling me. Even if I saw you their at the library, it's too hard to believe that you understand our talks. I swear Aurthur your child is one of a kind."

Wait a minute so this was his test not the question. Oh saints!!! It's so embarrassing. I was hiding my face seeing him laugh. But he really took a whole minute calming down.

"I'm really sorry for giving you a hard time."

I pout looking at him. " Are you and father friends?".

"yup. We go way back from the academy days. So it's ok for me to call his name when there is no one."

I gave him a questioning look.

"Of course you're now also included." I gave him a satisfying look.

But then I remember. "Father let's find mother. She didn't look good after your announcement."

Father picked me up and we went to my mother's room. When I entered the room, mother was sitting beside the window on the sill.

She looked totally like a fairy. With those silver hairs blowing due to slight wind, making her look so ethereal, like an forbidden person. I did get my beauty from her. She didn't notice us coming in. When we walked towards her and were right behind her, she felt our presence.

"Oh my I totally didn't feel you coming inside."

"That's your bad habit lia".

She looked at me, "I guess Art told you everything, right Trev?"

"Yes", I replied noticing a bit of sadness in her voice.

It's not like my mother won't catch on what's going in the country. She is not some idiotic commoner who just got married to father blinded by love. She is very knowledgeable on things that is going in castle, out in the country, in the social circles.

Even if queen mother has more access to social circle, my mother is well respected and also has support from South. I have seen her managing the palace despite the fact that the responsibility should be shared with the Queen.

As per the rumors I heard that queen mother only took responsibility in managing her own palace ignoring her other responsibilities. I pretty sure that she was having a tea party yesterday with noble ladies from east without inviting the Empress. It's well known courtesy that Empress should receive an invitation whenever a tea party is held in the palace. And the meeting with the Dukes is coming up.

"Trev, you really get into your own thoughts too much", she gave me a worrying look.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about the meeting with the dukes".

"You don't have to worry about it son. You're just gonna make an appearance infront of them. If they try to taunt you of any sorts just spat at their face. They can't do anything to you because you're the crown prince and hold the third highest position in the country."

The people's of royal family really do hate them huh.

"I will". But why do I get an inkling that something is gonna happen in the meeting.

Mother was gesturing towards her for a hug. I was reluctant at this point but gave up looking at her face. Guess I have to get squeezed for sometime. I hope everything goes well.

Hello guys,
I updated early this time feeling sorry that I have uploaded late last time.

Just kidding!! I'm just flowing with ideas now so I uploaded. But I'm still sad about last time.

Hope you like this chapter.

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