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I knew it. Something is gonna happen in the meeting. Dang it! I should have followed my instinct. How did I forget that they were always correct.

Currently the situation is like this, father is holding a sword and at the tip of it is Duke Soler's neck. How did we get into a situation like this. Let's go back to a few hours before.

After the talk with mother we had a brunch together. Mother had Crispy Skillet Latke. Father had  Brioche with Prosciutto, Gruyère and Egg. And I had Quinoa Egg Bowl with Pecorino. I was carving for cheese. And all the dishes are the same as on earth.

There are other kind of fruits here but they are only grown in the Elvian forest. I was trying to focus on my eating but my mind just keep wondering around the meeting. I am pretty sure they must be planning something and now that father has announced that I'm the crown prince without their concern, it might be dire.

Things are gonna be really hectic inside the meeting room. I mentally sighed. I have to suffer more in the future. Ah well I'm used to it. I sighed again.

"Trev, did  you not like the meal?".

"I like it. Don't worry about it, Mother". I said giving a relaxing look.

She really worries too much. It's just so unfamiliar to me now.

"Don't think about the meeting, son. Your father can handle if anything goes wrong". That's what I'm worrying about. He has one of a kind frivolous character. You can already see an example during a public meeting.

"Hmm" I nodded my head. After we finished our meal, it was time to head into the meeting room. I mentally sighed again. I can guess to some extent what they are gonna do.

I'm pretty sure the first thing they are gonna do is overwhelm me with msna concentration. Well I'm not worried about that, father can solve the problem for me.

Next, maybe they will try to chew father's head questioning how he could make such a decision without discussing with them especially Duke Soler.

Or they might try to make me feel that I'm not suitable for the title. But if that the case they are clearly underestimating me. My head hurts thinking about so many things. I will just have to face them head on. With all these thoughts going inside my head, we have already reached the meeting room.

Father looked at me with the expression whenever I'm ready. I nodded giving him my confirmation. He opened the door.

"We greet the Great Emperor, Glory to his majesty. We greet the sun of the empire, Glory to the crown prince.", All the Dukes said together.

As at once I stepped inside the room, I could feel the pressure. I can endure to some extent due to my mental age. I gave all of them a satisfying look. Their eyes widened. Of course they didn't expect me to endure it.

It's normal that child like me can't endure this pressure. But I'm special. Hahahah, I love when they make an utterly shocked face. It's like seeing something magical happening. But I can't handle the pressure anymore.

That's when father stepped in. He released his aura totally crushing the four of them. Father is a monster right he is the predator here. His aura is too strong. He went to his sit and I went towards mine, right beside him. He motioned the nobles to take their seat.

"Your Majesty, I would like to learn the reason behind your decision", Duke soler asked.

It started.

"Hmm, it's just because."

Everyone looked at him baffled. Me included. Like he said just because and he is the Emperor.

"And you can already see he is qualified for the position. He did endure your aura pressure."

Some of them agreed but not fully.

"But His Majesty, he is still a child. how could we just load a huge responsibility in his shoulder."

"Then are you suggesting I would go back on my word", father glared at Duke soler.

"Not at all. I would like to suggest that his highness should have some peers around his ages". he trying to control me.

"I have a distant nephew who can help his highness throughout his duties."

"If we're talking about finding peers around my age shouldn't I choose them myself",I said glaring at him.

Like hell I would let someone manipulate me like this.

"Your highness, I'm just trying to..."

"As I said  I would take care of the situation myself, I won't like to worry Duke Soler with this trivial matter".

Duke Soler sat back and glare at me. Then he came closer to me and.

"Why don't you just follow me. Even if they say you're genius, you do have commoner's blood. You dirty mutt." He whispered to me thinking I wouldn't dare take this to my father.

And if I did he can clearly deny it. But too bad, father had installed some sort of communication device in me and he has the hearing piece with him. So he is currently listening to everything Duke Soler said. Wait...he...just...listened...

And the very next second the table was flipped and my dear father took out his sword without thinking any consequences. Perks of being an Emperor.

Welcome back to the present situation.

"Your majesty!!! Wha!"

"How dare you call the crown prince a dirty mutt"

"Wha... I didn't do such a thing."

"Don't lie to me Duke Harrison Soler. I have connections with the crown prince through which I clearly heard you."

Duke was caught red handed. Sluring the royal family can be considered as act of treason. I instigated him knowing this would happen.

I already asked if there is something happening in the East which would require the Emperor's help solving it.

"Father you should calm down first. I wouldn't like it if the Duke is executed for treason. He is one of the pillar everything aside. Isn't that right?" I talked lookin at everyone for approval.

"Yes your majesty. What his highness is speaking is correct ", said Duke Denver Levine. Even if they don't like each other. When it comes to this, they are supporting each other.

"So I would like to  suggest a way for repentance for the Duke of Soler." Everyone looked at me puzzled.

The fun is about to start hehe.

Hey guys.
Got you there with suspense. Well what do you think is gonna happen next.
Wait for the next update.

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