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"I have recently heard that the East is facing quite troubles which need Emperor's aid".

The Duke looked at me with wide eyes.

"The bandit group is rising. Stealing the goods from the connected road and murdering the small merchants. Even the east knights couldn't solve this. Also I heard that the East needs Emperor's support every year to get rid of thd pests, rodents and even wild beasts during the harvesting season."

"What are you trying to say?" Father asked me.

"I was just suggesting that we could increase the tax from the east to 20%".

"It's unreasonable" Duke soler shouted.

"Why is it unreasonable." I said glaring at him.

"And I would like to add that the Duke has to pay for extra tax himself without extroting it from the commoners."

"It's not fair your majesty. It's a given law that the emperor has to help during the crisis."

"Well it's the punishment Duke Soler. Or there is another option. Would like to hear?"

He looked at me while giving me a disgusted look.

"You can just handle the problems yourself."


"Don't tell me that the east knights are so incompetent that they can't even fend off some mere bandits."

Duke soler gave me a dirty look.

"You should choose quickly, Duke. The empire doesn't spare so much time like this on a mere person."

"I would like to go with the first option". Duke said grinding his teeth.

It was a good decision that I asked about this earlier. Everyone else agreed to this quickly. After this the resorted meeting room was brought back to it's earlier state through magic. Magic is pretty convenient I guessed.

But there is a different thing that's going through my head right now.

I already know that Duke Raynott is not much interested in political matters but Duke Augustus is somewhat different.

From the moment I have entered in the room he has been assorting my characteristics. It's alright if it ends with that but I'm getting a feeling that he is looking inside me like deep inside me. I looked at him right now and hmm...Wha!! He gave me a smile. The stoic Duke gave me a SMILE!!! He gave me a fucking smile.

That's the least expected. From what I have seen from the game was that the Duke didn't show any emotion. Or maybe it's because of that incident.

I guess he recognized my talent to give such a gentle smile. I returned a smile to him to which he looked amused. And thus the meeting went on.

I was getting sleepy so father excused me earlier. Elli escorted me back to my room. She helped change me into normal pajamas and asked me to sleep moderately as I have to get ready for the evening party.

I am very proud of it that I'm a heavy sleeper. I'm glad the meeting went as I expected and nothing much happened.


That little mutt. He ruined it. Ruined all of it. I don't get why the Emperor would choose some commoner blood prince to be eligible for crown . Even if he loves that commoner bitch. My daughter is pregnant right now. He could have waited until the child was born.

I was on full plan to persuade the members to have my nephew around that dirty thing and control his works slowly. But who would have thought that he could be so cunning.

That dirty fox even made me  undergo a treason trial. How the heck did he know what's happening in East. If I haven't chosen anything then I'm pretty sure he must have planned something more.

But that mutt can't think all of this. It must be that bitch. After all see climbed all the way to the Empress position with that foxy mind. Now she wants her child to be Emperor.

I would never allow that honored position to be dirtier by that mutt. Under my watch I would properly make sure that he couldn't do anything. I would follow the other plan.

"Duke Soler".

I heard someone calling me and turned back to see it was Duke Augustus.

"Duke Augustus".

"I just want to give you some advice. Please don't plan on playing with his highness. It's for your own good."

Who is he to give me advice. And why the neutral Duke is giving me such talk. Did he get charmed or something. Ahhhh!! It's a really bad day for me.


Ah we're back at it again. Why do they have to be so particular in preparing a one year old child.

Elli woke me up just 2 hrs after I got some sleep. Like the party would starting after three hrs. And we are not going to enter as soon as the party starts.

Elli took out my outfit which was   specially made for this occasion. Well the designer was quite enthusiastic to make the outfit after looking at me.

Jacob as always enjoying this scene.

Elli went towards him and said, "Sir knight, it won't be good if you enter as his highness personal knight with that hairstyle."

"Pfft... you are right Elli. He doesn't look good enough for my personal knight. Just take him away and give him a makeover."

As soon as they heard my orders they took Jacob away quickly. There eyes gleaming, so it might take some time. 'It's payback time' I thought waving at him.
Ah!! Now I feel great. But Elli came back quickly.

"Your highness, we still have to groom you properly".

Ehhhh! There is still something to do but I look perfect as such. With that she continued to groom me properly and it took another half an hour. I was now allowed to run outside but couldn't make an appearance among the nobles.

I was looking through the high end balcony area. Many carriages are arriving. Hmm that symbol it's Duke Augustus. I looked keenly while he got out of the carriage and then hold hand for a little boy to come out.

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! It's my bias . It's Chris de Augustus. How can he look so cute. Oh they went inside. I can only wait see him when the banquet starts. Oh fuking saints. Thanks for letting me be born here. I'm really grateful this time. I can finally see him.

"Your highness, it's time for the banquet".

It's time to meet the real world.
"Let's go".

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