CH 12

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"Aghhh!! My head hurts."

What happened…I touched the sphere then suddenly it went all blank. That aside, where am I? Everything is white in here. Am I in some trouble?

"Don't worry, it's safe here."

"Who? Who is this? Where are you?"

"Do you not remember my voice? Wait a minute." Then suddenly a little ball like being suddenly popped up.

"Umm who?"

"What?!! You still can't remember. I'm the god of light and the creator of this world. Do you remember now?"

Suddenly a lot of things flash in my mind. About my time with God after my death.

Ahh!! Why does my head hurt so much? Wait, wasn't I crossing the road and then suddenly the car came and then…I died. Wow I can't even become what I want right now. Such a idiotic end to my life. I can't even laugh at it.

"Hello, Akito."

There is this small ball talking to me.

"Umm, who are you?"

"I'm the god of light, Luminous.
You are dead and I ask for your soul because I want to reincarnate you to the world I created."

"Why? Don't mind me being cold but this doesn't look like a happy situation."

"well I can't really relate with what you're going through. But I really need your help. Please and I'm sure you will love my world. I can't talk to you for much time. Could you please accept my offer?"

What can I say…but he is asking with a sincere voice. And if I don't agree what I'm gonna be next. If I get reincarnated there I might get a chance to fulfil my dream. Here goes nothing.

"I will accept your offer."

"Thank you so much. We will meet soon after you reincarnate there. Bye bye for now."

Aghhh!! I'm feeling the headache again. Oh shit.

"I remembered everything. But your sense of 'soon' was completely different from mine."

"Ah! Sorry sorry it took so long. Actually, coming here to contact you took more time than I thought. Well that aside 'happy birthday' in advance."

"Thank you."

"I can finally tell you why I brought you here. We should settle down first."

With that said the background changed into a garden. All kinds of snacks and tea were offered to me.

"You must have heard the word 'multiverse' right." I nodded.

"Actually something similar happened between your previous world and my world. My world turned into a game plot in your world. Which you were playing. These just some time interactions which occur very rarely and with that said the game developer in your world came with the very imagination of my world. There are certain things that are done before reincarnation and the foremost is erasing all the previous memories. But in some instances that is after reincarnation of course, people might get a distant dream about their previous life. Most of them don't remember or only sparsely remember but there are rare cases when some people remember the dream vividly like they themselves are in it. That's what happened to the game developer. So my world came to you as a game background."

Wow that's quite an explanation he gave. And the thing about the multiverse is somewhat true. I am starting to feel pity for all those scientists who are researching this. Well jokes apart.

"But something other than this happened. Something happened while I was taking a leisure break with the demon lord. One of the souls got reincarnated here with her memories intact. But that wasn't the problem at first, but when I started learning her personality it all came down to the very fact that she can become the very start of doom of this world. That soul got reincarnated as the heroine of the second part of the game. She has already planned to make every other person fall in love with her. But what she doesn't get is that it might cause the beginning of the second great war."

"Wait, in the game wasn't the heroine supposed to be younger than me?"

"Like I said earlier, the game developer feeled this world through a dream so he might have made changes. That aside, the major problem is I can't get involved in this. That is why I am asking you for help."

"And how may I help you?"

"Actually she would be gifted two powers to be exact both of them are non elemental. One is light and the other is charming. Well I  already got involved with her evaluation and she only got the charming magic. The charming magic is a special class which won't show up in the evaluation. Only the user knows about it. I'm planning on handing you the light magic."

"But why me?"

"Well, I actually saw you before your death and I would agree that you are really a genius. Like look at you now, just how calmly you are taking all these."

"Well yeah right. But I don't want to take the light magic. I have a better plan. Do you remember the heroine in the first part?" He hummed in response.

"Actually I didn't like the plot much where the heroine just turns into a villainess and gets killed at the end. I would like to give her the light magic. It would be better. If she has the same personality as depicted in the first part it would be quite helpful for her during the confrontation in the second part."

"Are you really ok with that?"

"Of course. I'm already treated as a genius. So I won't be needing any extra help and I will be helping from the sidelines. But I want to ask you a favour?"

"What is it?"

"you know the incident that is gonna happen…umm…can I change the plot?"

"Oh it doesn't matter to me what you do with the 'plot' that you speak of. Future is a variable thing. So we have finally found the solution and I can't stay with you for so long right now. But we might meet soon. It's bye for now."

"Bye bye."

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