CH 13

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"Highness…your highness you can now release your hand."

"Oh yes."

Guess I'm back already. I released my hand and stood aside.

"I will now declare the results. His highness has got a double attribute affinity which is ice and wind."

All the people present started cheering excitedly. Some of them were shocked as I got an ice attribute which is rare.

With that said I descended down the podium and went towards my parents.

"Congrats Trev, I didn't expect that you got the same type of magic as me."

"Now now  he still has wind magic like me. And congrats son."

"Oh please, stop your nonsense." Mother said, rolling her eyes.

"Thanks mother and father."

Chris came to me and squeezed my hand," congrats".

I squeezed his hand back, "Thanks and all the best for your evaluation."

After that Chris went to the podium for evaluation. It actually took only a few minutes but it seemed like I talked a lot with the god.

He might have stopped time here or the place he took me has a different time length than here, it's his world after all.

"Oh my god!!!"

That scared me.

"Chris de Augustus has affinity to all four elements. It has never happened before. His name will be written in history."

"Wow Duke, your son is something else."

Chris came towards us.

"I'm really proud of you son. Your name will surely be written in this temple."

"Thanks dad."

"Congrats Chris." Father and mother said together.

"Thank you Emperor and Empress."

"Umm…congrats. It's…real…lly surprising that… you get four elements. Ah yeah …congrats Chris, I …envy you."

"Trev, are you ok, you were stuttering. Did something happen?"

"Hmm no nothing I am … just surprised that is why I was stuttering."

"ohk! Cool then thanks."

Even if the god said that things might not change, I really hoped it would change. Just why why why why did it have to be like this. I really hoped that Chris won't get four elements even with god's reassurance I'm still shaking.

What if it goes like in the game? Then…no no no don't think about it Trev. If I try…yes if I try I might turn the whole situation around. I can save him right… Right?!!

Don't meddle about things like these and now go to sleep trev. First thing tomorrow morning is going into the forbidden section of the library.

Hmm?! When did I start calling myself Trev again…

Of course I'm the idiot for thinking that I would be allowed  there without the Emperor's permission. Agh!!! All the thoughts are clouding my brain.

I seriously need something. With that being said I asked Elli to bring me a whole brownie cake. She was a little confused with my demand for sweets but nonetheless agreed to it.

I was on my last piece of cake when an  idea shot my brain. I could have totally done this. Why the heck was I thinking about all those logical strategies?! With that said I am now standing in front of my father's office. I have to do this even if it might be embarrassing. I opened the door and peeked inside.

Oh! Even viscount Auburn is here. Great, it's gonna be more embarrassing. I got inside and both of them looked at me. I went straight toward the desk and let my head sit on it.

I made puppy eyes and said, "daddyyyy~". Ugh! It's so embarrassing. But it worked…I guess. Both of them are totally shocked.

"Daddy, could you do me a favour. Pretty please." If it's drawn into a webtoon, my eyes must be totally sparkling right now.

"Oh God trev, what's gotten into you. And don't make that kind of face again. It's really hard to resist."

"Ok. So I wanna ask if you could give me permission to use the forbidden section of the library." I was back to my normal way.

"Why do you want to be there?"

"I…I just want to learn some more. There are more magic books in there and there are also books about different species so I want to go there. Could you please give me permission?"

"Actually I was planning to allow you there when you turn 10 but if you want to be there sooner then it's alright for me. Viscount, please prepare the permission card for trev."

"As you wish, your Majesty."

"I will walk myself out. Thank you daddyyy."

I ran out from there with a wide grin on my face. Even if it was embarrassing I finally got the permission and it was a huge feat for me.

Now I'm standing right before the door that would lead me into the forbidden library. I got the pass yesterday evening.

The door connects to a different place from the library and one needs a pass to enter. It feels like anywhere door from Doraemon but still it would only take you to the forbidden library.

Let's go inside now. Oh my god it's big. Just look at all the books. And there isn't even any librarian here. This huge library, I got it all to myself.

How does it feel to be ghosted!!
sorry about that. I do feel guilty but not that much. If you are from India then you might understand my situation. It's currently monsoon season. And having a weak immunity body like me, I caught the flu. The rain just stopped yesterday and then today's morning news be like it's going to continue from tomorrow. Like hell my flu won't even get well with this kind of weather going on. But still I uploaded the three chapters that was pending.
I don't know when I'm gonna upload the next one tho but still thanks for the views guys
Luv ya!!!!

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