CH 9

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Now what I'm gonna do. I dragged him from the room without thinking about anything. I even forgot to inform Elli about this. We ran towards the garden area. I thought there might be some people but it's really empty.

"We should sit there", I said pointing towards the fountain area.

Now what! We have been silent for 5 minutes. I can't think of anything to break the silence. My brain is not working properly now. Anyone would be like me if your bias is right in front of you. I understand that this is not a game and a true world but still fictional characters being alive would just blow someone's mind.

"Umm, thank you for saving me right there."

"No no… you don't have to say thanks. I just did what should be done. And sorry for dragging you out like this. If you want, we could go back inside."

"Oh don't, it's better here. That place is more suffocating."

"You know what I totally get you. I would have already run away from the main hall if the banquet wasn't celebrated for me."

After this both of us laughed so hard that tears started forming in my eyes.

"Your highness, I heard that they call you genius and it looks like it's true."

"First of all, call me Trev. That's the nickname mother gave me. And about being a genius, I won't exaggerate it but I just happened to learn all about world history all by myself."

"Wow isn't that great. I just started learning it after my dad taught me the alphabets and meaning of words. And if you want me to call you Trev then you should also call me Chris not young duke Augustus", Chris said with a pout on his face.

"Ohk. Chris", I said with a bright smile on my face. He looked at me with a mesmerised face. I heard a sound and it was from Chris's stomach. His whole face turned  red quickly.

"Oh, do you want some cookies?" He nodded with cute puppy eyes.

"Then let's go to the kitchen". I grabbed his hand again, taking him towards the kitchen. We were standing just outside the kitchen door.

I slightly opened it to see if anyone is present inside. Thankfully it was empty. I waved at Chris to get inside quietly.

"Ahm…why are we trying to get inside quietly."

"Think about it. I didn't inform anyone that I will be here. If someone finds out, I'm pretty sure it might be too late to have some snacks."

"Well even if we do it secretly they must still be worried about you."

"Isn't it the same for you? Won't the Duke be looking for you right now. Anyway we can still fill out our tummy before they find us. Let's see what they have left on the counter."

Both of us stand on the tool to see what there is to eat. Wow!!! There are so many sweets. I'm pretty sure my eyes must be sparkling right now.

I looked towards Chris to be surprised that he has an awkward face.

"Chris, you don't like sweet things I guess."

"Hmm. I don't find it pleasant."

I looked around all the snacks to look if anything would be okay for his palette. Found it.

"Here you can try these. These cookies are made out of coffee beans without any sugar. So they are not sweet."

"Thanks, Trev. And you should have all other snacks. I guess you have a sweet tooth."

Oh my it's too dazzling. My bias is smiling at me with his child-like face. Oh saints!! I'm going to be blind.

With that we carried on eating. I poured some orange juice for us. While we were just about to complete, the door burst open and the chef came inside.

"Oh my god !! Your highness you are here. Almost all the palace staff are searching for you. And this might be! Oh right young Duke Augustus. Your father is searching for you. Come on, I will take you there."

We followed the chef and he took us to one of the resting rooms for royals that is. He knocked on the door and I heard my father saying come in.

"Your majesty, I have brought both the boys."

There were father, mother and Duke inside the room all waiting for us.

"Chris where were you? Do you even know how worried I was" the Duke said, having a worried angry tone.

"It's my fault Duke. I dragged Chris from that room. He was bullied by some children." I said, defending Chris.

"He was bullied?! That child can never be bullied. He might be…". The Duke stopped after looking at Chris. Hmm…what happened. That's when my mother started crying.

"Oh Trev, do you understand how worried I was? What if something bad happened to you. That's why I sent Elli with you. But you left her alone and wandered off somewhere. Do you know how worried she was? All of the palace staff were searching for you."

"Sorry mother, I just went off without thinking. I won't do that any more. Please stop crying." Seeing my mother cry makes me feel so sad.

"But what were you doing in the kitchen?"My father asked.

"Ah about that…we were hungry. I just took Chris to the kitchen because I thought there might be lots of snacks. I thought we would be done in a while. But the snacks were so good that we couldn't stop eating. Please forgive me father. We won't do that anymore."

After this both of us apologised together.

"Your majesty, it's time for us to go back. Please excuse us."

"Umm Chris are you gonna go back to the estate." He hummed in response.

"Then I will write you letters ok. Answer them ok. You are the first ever friend I have ever had."

I hugged him saying that. He hugged me back and said he would reply to them all. I said my bye-byes to him.

After that, my mother took me to my room. Elli came back quickly. Her panicked face turned into relief as soon as she saw me. I apologised to her too. She forgave me and helped me change into my pyjamas.

Then my mother made me sleep. Oh what a great fun day I had today. Made a new friend. I will start learning tomorrow and will write to Chris soon. Dear saints, I thank you again for making me born in this world. 

Heya guys,
Hope you are well.
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Bye bye(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

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