CH - 4

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"Your highness, you have to sit straight"
"Your highness please move your head this way"
"Your highness, do not nod off" said the maids who were working on my appearance.

"Your highness, I have brought your outfit for today's occasion" said Elli, my personal maid.

You must have been thinking what is going on right now. Well I turned one year old today. A very grand party is being hosted for this occasion.

"Your highness, you don't have to make such a disgusted face" said Jacob fairly enjoying the scene.

"I truly wish you were in my place", I said giving him an eye roll.

"Now now would you both stop bickering. Your highness please come I would help you get dressed quickly". I nodded and went after Elli.

The outfit^⁠_⁠^

When we got back, there was a knock on the door

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When we got back, there was a knock on the door.
"Your highness, it's Sebastian"
Sebastian is the head butler of the royal family.

"Come in".
"Happy Birthday Your highness".

"Thank you", I said giving him a bright smile. He acted like his heart was being pierced. I know how lethal my cute face can be.

"I came here to give you a brief about your schedule". I nodded giving him approval to continue.

"First, you have an audience with the citizens of the empire with the royal family beside you. This is very important as it will be the first time the citizens are going to see your face." I asked if I would have to speak something to which he denied and only the Emperor is going give a speech.

"Second, you have a meeting with the four dukes. Basically those ass...hmng.... people want to see if it is true that you are a genius or not." He was definitely going to say asshole, I thought to myself.

"Third, There is an evening party where all the nobles and important figures would be present. There would also be children around your age". Basically older than me.

I nodded referring to that I got my role. Just then my mother came inside the room.

"Trev are you done? Let's get going....." she stopped looking at me. Oh no she paused, I know that look. I have to get away from here. But before I could run she picked me up and squeezed me turning me around in a circle.

"Oh my how could you look so cute. An angel, I can only see an angel in here. How could you look so cute in this outfit. I wish I could capture this moment. I want to cherish you so much. Aaaaaaaaah!!! SO CUTEEEEE".

Please someone save me, I can't keep up with her. And for saints sake why are the other people only standing there cooing. I am getting dizzy from this.

"Darling! It would be great if you let her down. We are getting late".

My savior!!! Dad came here. As soon as she set me down I ran off towards my father, standing beside him. He picked me up and said  "you do look great and cute".

I was blushing from the compliments. It's not like I have never gotten any compliments but they were never genuine. They are just a way of boot licking me. Even my parents don't do this. So it seems like I am getting attachments to my current parents. And I definitely know that their affections for me are simply genuine not expecting anything in return.

"Let’s go little genius, now the whole world should know whose child you are".

We started walking towards the balcony where we would make the appearance. I was being held by my father for all the citizens to see me. Mother standing beside us. Queen mother was standing a little back from us. The Captain of Valentinian Knights, Count Xavier Valheiseing was standing with Alfred at the entrance.

My father, The Emperor started his speech.

"Dear citizens of the Valentinian Empire, I gratefully thank you for celebrating the birthday of the First prince of the Valentinian Empire, Trevor Dracus Valentino. As from the rumors you have heard that the prince is a genius, I would like to confirm it as true."

There was large hushing and bushing going between the peoples. They are probably confused that it was all true.

"A born genius that hasn't been seen in a few centuries. I have a very important announcement to make today. On this happy occasion, My dear peoples, I hereby declare the first prince as the crown prince of the empire and you all shall respect my decision.". The people cheered greatly. Well there favoured Empress's son is crowned as crown prince. There were even fireworks during the daytime.

I was utterly shocked by the speech. I know that he is gonna say some grand things but this was not what I was expecting. Aaaaaaaaah he just started a war.... a fucking civil war in the castle. I who have a commoner's blood is declared a crown prince without any consult from noble and all this happened while the Queen is pregnant. The Queen!! I looked at her and she was angry. Completely angry from father's decision. Can't deny her sentiments, it was completely unexpected. But now I would become her Target. My mother on the other hand was shocked but her face has a poker look. I couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Now the fraction will be formed supporting me and my brother. Ah fuck!!! he got involved before he was even born. My stupid father could have at least asked me before, I clearly look like I don't want to be a king. I clearly understand that being born into a royal family has its own responsibility but he didn't have to choose so early on. And for one thing I'm sure that he thought about it before declaring it and is using me to keep the nobles in check but still he should have consulted me before as he already agreed that I'm a genius. I looked into his eyes and could already see he was enjoying it.

This asshole of father of mine. I waved back at people who were cheering at me and mesmerized by my face. After we went back inside. I looked into my father's eyes,"WE NEED TO TALK". I gave him a serious face. He nodded taking me into an empty room. I'm seriously gonna slap him if he doesn't give me a definite reason.

Sorry guys it was a little late for the update.
Hope you like it(⁠^⁠^⁠)

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