CH 11

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"Just when we solved one problem. When did all the flour get on you Alex."

"Hehe. It wasn't on purpose."

"Let's get on with the cookies. Ok."

"Yes! Captain!" Alex said while saluting.

Now people might be thinking what are two small kids doing in the kitchen. Well we're making some choco chips cookies and if someone finds out we're gonna be in deep trouble.

I know how much the head chef likes the kitchen. And we have made a total mess of it. He is seriously gonna burst with anger if saw all this and with us in here.

With that said I put the cookies in the oven. And it might take some minutes before it's done. Meanwhile I helped Alex with dusting all the flour off him.

"Alex, because of you we're gonna be severely scolded if we get caught. So it will remain a secret between us. You understand right".

"Yup don't worry brother I won't tell anyone".

We waited until our cookies were done. I took them out and wrapped them in the tissue and small piece of cloth. After that we secretly went out of the kitchen and went towards the garden.

We are sitting right in the middle of the flower bed. Mother really likes this spot and takes care of it by herself. So there is no worry of anyone noticing us here. And mother won't be coming because of her work.

It was already evening, by the time we were over with our little snack time. Elli must be searching for us.

"Let's go back Alex. It's already evening. All the maids must be looking for us."

I stood up and started walking when someone tugged on my shirt. I turned back to see that Alex was on the verge of crying.

"Wha…what happened? Why are you crying? Did you get hurt?" I was in total panic mode.

"Brother are you not gonna hang out with me anymore?"

"When did I say we won't be hanging out anymore?" 

"But if we go back now you are going to be busy and we won't be hanging out anymore. We should just stay here. Sniff! Sniff!"

Just what kind of thoughts he is having right now. I wiped his tears and looked straight into his eyes.

"It might be true that I would be busy but I can still have a little snack time with you. Let's have our personal snack time everyday. I can just add them to my schedule. What do you say?"

"Will you really do that?"

"Of course".

"Then can I ask for a favour? Can we sleep together tonight?"

"Ok let's have pyjama night. We should go back now."

I held his hands and we went back to the palace.

"Your highness!! Second prince!! Here you are. Do you know how worried I was? Thank God you are back."

And here comes the worried Elli.

"We are fine Elli. But you need to take a breather first."

"It's already time for dinner. Let's get you changed…" 

"About that Elli…we won't be having dinner today. You know…we just ate too many snacks so we can't eat anymore. And one more thing Alex and I are going to sleep together so make the arrangements thoroughly."

Elli looked at me then to Alex and again back at me.

"I will do the arrangements quickly. Please return to your room first."

She bowed and went away. Here Alex was almost squealing beside me. I guess he is too excited about this little party.

"Let's go to my room, Alex."

Elli made the arrangements. The maids helped us into our pyjamas and we were ready to sleep.

"I enjoyed the day with you Alex. Good night, sweet dreams."

"Good night brother."

And we went for our slumber and I totally forgot about the kitchen uproar.

It's finally the day. Today the magic evaluation ceremony will finally be conducted. I can finally use magic. I am really excited. But I just hope that doesn't happen this time.

"Your highness, his majesty, is asking for your presence." Said Sebastian.

"Take me there."

With that I followed Sebastian to Father's office.

"I greet his majesty."

"You know that you don't have to greet me. It feels like we're not related."

"Well it's just formalities. I don't mean it."

"That hurts. I called you here because I just wanna say that don't get depressed if you don't get double element affinity." I know that I will get that.

"I am not the person who worries about that."

"Then it's good." Knock! Knock! 

"Your majesty, Duke Augustus, wants to meet you."

"Chris is here." I squealed. 

"Let them be in Sebastian."

They both greeted me and my father.

"Hi Chris. You are finally here. I was waiting for you. Did you get my last letter? You didn't send me any reply?"

"Hello trev. I was also excited to meet you. I know you are worried that I didn't give any reply. Well we're going to meet soon so I want to surprise you but it didn't work as you didn't even flinch seeing me."

"Actually I already knew you would meet me before the ceremony." 

"If your little meetup is done, we should go. It's time for the ceremony."

With that we went to the church that is inside the palace ground. It was already packed with children of my age. But I don't see many noble children. I guess due to the set up most of them must be below me.

My character was a somewhat depressed looking senpai you know. The priest came forward and greeted us.

"Your majesty, I will soon start the ceremony. Then your highness needs to be the first one to get his magic evaluation."

With that said he went towards the podium to start the ceremony. The ceremony went well. And I was called first for my evaluation.

"Your highness, please put your hand on this sphere and start to feel it."

I kept the hand above the sphere and started feeling it when suddenly everything went black around me.

What's happening?!!

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