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full moon, saturday night

March 30, 1995.

doug and i.. part of me felt shame for it but then again i was glad i wasn't just a one night stand. but, i felt stupid for getting upset at him about carol a couple weeks ago. neither doug or i told anybody about us and as far as i knew it was a secret.

"there is a wonderful dog bite in exam one just waiting for you" doug smiled

"oh how lovely"

i took the chart out of his hands.

four year old girl, neighbours dog bit her.

"hello sweetie, i'm dr. l/n, im gonna fix up your cut"

lydia had a suture kit ready for me.

i lifted the towel off the little girls arm, it was collecting all the blood.

her thumb needed a few sutures, it was just gnawed at for the most part.

"alright" i smiled

"your daughter will need a few sutures but it looks pretty good for the most part"


"i'm just going to irrigate the wound"

"this might sting a little honey"

the girl winced.

"this is just lidocaine, like novacane you get at the dentist"

"it'll take some of the pain away"

"sure thing" the mom said

i sprayed some lidocaine on her hand and began the sutures.

"what kind of dog was it?"

"from this bite it must be pretty big"

"i think it's a bulldog sort of mix"

"those are the worst with kids, i see so many come in with bites just like these from pit bulls or bulldogs"

"it's usually outside in the backyard, i tell her not to pet it because i know those kinds of dogs bite"

"she must've put her hand through the fence"

the mother ran her hand through her hair. she looked stressed out. fair enough though.

"well those dog breeds are quite territorial"

"i guess so"

i finished off the sutures and wrapped the girls arm in a bandage.

"she's all done"

"try not to get this wet for a couple days and come back in about two weeks to get the sutures removed, other than that she's good to go"

"just be careful around that dog, i'd hate to see such a cutie get her face mulled off"

"thanks so much doctor"


"half an hour left" i exclaimed

"oh no y/n, not staying for the full moon"

"it's gonna be a good one" susan smiled

"i'm sure it will be"

"last time i was on for a full moon, it was pretty freaky" i giggled

i scribbled in a couple of my charts.

lydia had about three for me to sign.

"marks still upset about his patient?"

"yeah, it was a rough night"

"we all did all that we could, some patients just don't make it through"

it was a really rough night to be exact. i didn't see the patient throughout the day but from whag carter told me it was a pregnant mother. she came in for a uti, she was a very happy patient. you know, first time mother who was looking forward to have her baby. mark misdiagnosed her and things took a completely different turn. ob was nowhere to be found, no surprise unfortunately. anyway, mark tried a vaginal birth but the baby wouldn't come out so he performed a c-section in the er. the mother crashed and unfortunately did not make it. i don't care what anyone thinks about the situation. i stand with mark, not just because he's my friend. i think he made the right judgement. people always perceive doctors to be these gods who magically fix people and never make mistakes but that's just unrealistic. we're humans too. we miss things and make mistakes too. tragedies happen. it's unfortunate but, it happens.

"i'll have my pager on if you need backup susan"

"heading out?"

"yeah, i'll see you tomorrow"


"good luck" i smirked

i threw on my coat and headed out the ambulance bay doors. when i went around the block, there doug was leaning against a building.

"can i crash at your place?" he said, giving me puppy dog looking eyes.

i rolled my eyes.

"you've yet to take me on a proper date you know" i smiled

"why go on a date when we can just skip to the good stuff"

i shook my head.

beep beep, both of our pagers went off.

"jesus christ" doug groaned

we both got dressed, hurrying to the er. apparently there was a trauma coming in. estimated 20 people. that was just part of being an er doctor, getting your personal life interrupted.

we arrived at the hospital.

"okay, you stay there for a couple seconds so it doesn't look like we, you know"

"yeah, yeah"

it felt like we were in elementary school.

i waited there for about thirty seconds, doug was a slow walker so our plan didn't quite work out.

"you two aren't fooling anyone, we've seen you leave with each other for the past two weeks" haleh said

we both looked at each other.

"nevermind, where's the trauma?"

"this is it" benton said

"william swift" a not so familiar face greeted

"i'm your new chief of the er"

i shook his hand

"follow me kids, i'll have you home by 4"

doug groaned.

it was an hour or two of swift testing and lecturing us of the er. i honestly didn't mind him, i think he had good intentions and he had a sense of humour. i did find our lecture quite boring though.

"it was nice to meet you dr. swift, i look forward to working with you"

"likewise, dr. l/n"

mark finally showed up, he didn't make a good first impression on swift, however.

he hopped on the l with doug and i.

doug and mark were arguing, doug was trying to convince mark that the patient he killed was a mistake and it was alright. mark was still upset about it and you could tell it was still raw and fresh.

"don't beat yourself up about it mark, we've all killed patients"

"they're mistakes, accidents, tragedies, whatever you want to label it but they are put in our lives to teach us, so we can learn from them"

doug and mark argued a little more until the l stopped.

"see ya doug, goodnight y/n" 

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