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how the finch stole christmas
December 24, 1999

i couldn't believe juliette was already a month old. although, the christmas spirit wasn't flowing through this apartment because she had a fever and i had caught a cold, too.
i'd just finished dinner when doug called me. i was doing the dishes as i talked to him.
"this christmas is crazy compared to the other ones" he said
"tell me about it"
"i remember a couple christmas back before we started dating" i smiled
"i was charming wasn't i?"
i shook my head "yeah" 
"hold on" i added, pressing the phone against my chest.
i let out a cough.
"that doesn't sound so good" he said
"yeah, doesn't feel so good either"
"anyway, did you get the pictures of juliette?"
"i did"
i could tell he was smiling on the other end of the phone.
"she's gorgeous, y/n"
"i know"
she began whining
"well, speaking of her"
i dried off my hands and picked her up, bouncing her
"she's got a little fever just like mommy"
"do her ears and throat look okay?"
"yeah, she looks okay"
"i gotta stop by the hospital anyways so maybe i'll have someone look at her"
"i'm sure she's fine though"
"other than your cold, how've you been?" he asked after a couple moments of silence.
"i don't know" i shrugged
"you know, maybe when i can get a break from work i can come and see you" i mumbled
"i'd love that, y/n"
"you know, i miss you a lot"
"i do too, doug"
"anyways, my break is almost over" he groaned
"i'll call you again soon, doug"
"merry christmas, y/n"
"merry christmas, doug"

i finished doing the dishes and dressed juliette in a christmas onesie.
lately i'd been talking on the phone with doug almost everyday. it felt good. it felt really good.
she was starting to grow a little more hair, thin brunette hair scattered across her head.
i wrapped her in a blanket and stuck her in the baby carrier.
atleast one of us looked put together. i had dirty hair tied up in a claw clip with a pair of sweatpants on with a huge cable knit sweater. to put it in words, i looked like hell.
i threw on my coat and slipped a pair of snow boots on, heading off to the er. i had a gift for the christmas drive. i also just wanted to visit everyone.
i felt kind of guilty for not buying the baby a gift but it was enough that i put up decorations around my apartment. i mean, i couldn't believe my tree eventually got up. it's not like a month old is going to notice if i had or didn't have a gift for her.

i arrived in the er and let me tell you, everyone was more than excited to see me. well, mostly the baby.
"trouble maker already?" carter asked
"gets it from doug" i smiled, kerry let out a cackle
"she's pretty easy now"
"the first few weeks she just cried and cried throughout the night but i think we've gotten used to each other now" i nodded
"can i hold this bundle of joy" haleh asked
"oh course"
i picked her up and she whined
"come on juliette, here's haleh" i said, stroking her head.
"auntie haleh" she smiled
carol and malik came around the desk
"look who's here" carol smiled
"how're you holding up?" she asked
my eyes went wide "i'm exhausted"
"we can watch her while you sleep" malik said
"well, i was wondering if someone could quickly check her out"
"i have the flu and think she may have caught it"
i rubbed my eye.
"i checked her over this morning"
"you want a second opinion?" carol smiled
"the doctor in me thinks she's fine but the mother in me wants to be sure"
"exam two is open" haleh said
"thank you, guys"

kovac did a full exam on her
"i think she was just a little warm in your house"
"i have a fever and i wanted to make sure she was okay"
"we can run a few tests to be sure she's okay"
"it's probably fine, if she worsens i can always come back"
"thanks, luka"
"no problem"
"i feel like a crazy person"
"that's parenthood for you" he laughed
"just make sure you rest to get rid of your fever"
"yeah, i'll try to"
i was feeding the baby now when carol came in the room.
"sorry" she whispered
"no, it's okay" i smiled
she leaned on the door, tilting her head "when she's done eating i can take her for a bit so you can rest"
"are you sure?"
"it's the least i can do, y/n"
"you're an angel" i smiled, passing her juliette.
"you have a fever of 102, it's the least i can do"
after what felt like days of sleeping, i came out of the exam room.  god, it was already almost six in the morning.
"i was sleeping for four hours?" i said, rubbing my eyes.
"juliette's in the peids room with yosh" cleo smiled
"where are you headed?" i asked
she was wheeling a suitcase with her.
"im gonna see family"
"anyways, merry christmas, ramadan, all that" she smiled
"have fun"
"i was gonna drive you home but i don't have room in my two seater"
"oh haleh, please, you all have done so much for me"
"why don't you come with us?" carol asked
"are you guys sure?" i asked
luka nodded.
"this all means so much to me"
"we're your ER family, y/n"

carol and luka both drove me home, i offered them a glass of eggnog as a thank you.
i guess this christmas didn't end up so bad after all.

a/n: i hope you all enjoyed!!

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