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stuck on you
November 5, 1998

i woke up to an empty bed. i was staying at doug's apartment for a change and had on one of his button up shirts.
i tiptoed out to the kitchen to see him filling out charts.
the clock on the stove showed 5:21 am
"doug" i groaned
"its five in the morning, what're you doing up?"
"finishing some work" he said, continuing to fill out the papers.
i wrapped my arms around his neck.
"go back to bed, no use for both of us being miserable"
"the beds so cold without you" i whined
"keep that up and i'll never finish"

it was about 11 in the morning now, is been working in the er for a couple hours.
i discharged two drunk patients who finally woke up and a fever patient. she was a four year old with the flu.
"hey doug, i have a chart for you to sign off on"
i handed it to him.
"not too bad today, huh?"
"you'll regret saying that one"
he signed the chart and began walking away.
"wait, wait"
"i have a surprise for you"
"follow me"
i picked up a box from the admit desk and walked him down the hall near the suturing room.
"since you're an attending now, the er decided to get you one of these"
i pulled out the lab coat with doug ross embroidered on it.
"you get over here" said doug, pulling me into the suture room.
his lips attached to mine, he closed the blinds on the door.
"doug" i laughed

"jerry, what do you have for me?"
"burns to pee in curtain three"
"nice rhyme"
i took the chart from him.
"wait, y/n"
i turned around to look at carol.
"i need a prescription for birth control"
"for a patient" she added
"sure thing"
i began to write the prescription.
"you look really nice today, you going somewhere?"
she had on a blue button up, slacks and heels on.
"actually yes"
"i have a date" she smiled
"well well"
i handed her the prescription
"i hope you have fun with that"
"i thought you were dating ross?" jerry chymed
"get with the times jerry, we ended it almost a year ago"

"alright, ms young?"
i walked into the room, she nodded
"hi, im dr. l/n"
"you've been having a burning sensation while urinating?"
"are you sexually active?"
"are you urinating more frequently than usual?"
she nodded
"blood in your urine?"
"feeling like you need to urinate even though your bladder is empty?"
"okay we're going collect a urine sample"
"i'm sure you have a uti but we also should test for stds if that's okay with you"
"sure" she smiled
"okay, i'll get malik to get your urine sample ready and i'll come see you when your labs are back"

a half an hour went by.
"the labs are back on ms young"
"thanks malik"
she sure had a uti
"alright" i said, walking in the room
"tests are back?"
i nodded.
"you have a uti"
"i'll prescribe you some antibiotics to take the infection away"
i wrote the prescription.
"thanks dr. l/n" she smiled

"you'll wanna see this trauma, y/n" malik said, handing me a gown.
i put my gloves on and followed him.
"oh god" i laughed
two brothers attached together with carpet glue.
"you need to stay still or your brother is gonna die" mark shouted
"lucy, you've ever intubated before?" i asked
"pretty hard case, you should probably pass on this one"
"carter, you're gonna walk her through it"
i handed lucy the tube.
"carter pull them apart a little"
lucy intubated the patient on the first try.
"we need to shock him" elizabeth shouted
"you stuck?"
"it's my beard" he whispered
"oh god, i'm stuck too"
i had the paddles in my hands as mark pulled elizabeth off the patient. carter and the other one falling off the gurney.
i shocked him.
"there's a rhythm"
"i'll send him up to the or" elizabeth said.
"you alright carter?"
"yeah but my beard isn't"

i took my lab coat and put it in my locker, swinging my bag over my shoulder.
doug was doing work at the admit desk.
"still working?" i asked
"anspaugh wants a census report from me" he said
"when will you be home?" i said quietly
"april" he laughed
"well, i'll be at your place" i whispered
he smirked at me.

i finally got home. i took a bite to eat and hopped in the shower. i was rinsing my hair when i heard the bathroom door open.
"doug?" i said
"i hear you breathing" i added
his head popped in the shower
"i thought you weren't coming home"
"well since i was working all last night and will be tomorrow, i thought i'd take the night off" he smiled
"let me guess, you wanna come in?"
he nodded, giving me a kiss.

a/n: sorry for the random, not on schedule posting.. life has been a little crazy. i hope to be back on track soon but i'm having a few formatting issues rn :( votes & comments are appreciated! how are you all enjoying this so far??!

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