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good luck, ruth johnson
November 19, 1998

i poured a little milk in my coffee, doug peered in the kitchen.
we were at my apartment, most of doug's was packed up.
"good morning" i smiled
"it's 7:00, marks still not up yet?" he said, kissing my cheek
"i'll go wake him"
we set up a mattress near my washer and dryer.
"mark, it's 7:00, time to wake up"
a couple minutes went by
"mark wake up" i shouted
"okay, i'm getting out"
then another few minutes went by, doug gave it a shot
finally, he was up.
"thanks for letting me stay with you guys a couple extra nights"
"who knew asbestos took this long to get rid of"
"probably the fumigation guys but, who's counting?" doug laughed
"thanks for eloping over to my apartment" i added
"i like your guys' company" mark smiled
"reminds me of old times"

i was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when doug came in.
"so, which one of us is gonna ask him how the date went?" he smirked
"it couldn't of been that good if he didn't make it to the bedroom, you know"
"i thought that only occurred after the third date"
"well look at us"
i rolled my eyes
it was a few minutes later and as we left my apartment, doug asked the big question.
"come on guys, it wasn't like that"
"it was like a orientation?" i asked
"yes, y/n"
"that's a little odd, don't you think?" doug laughed
i smiled, i hadn't really met lee yet but what i heard about her, i thought she was a little strange.

"dr. l/n" lee exclaimed
"i've heard lots about you" she added
"i hope good"
"dr. lee, is that right?"
she nodded
"still trying to get the lay of the land"
"you'll eventually get used to it"
i walked back to the admit desk
"y/n, we have anotner gsw coming in"
i put on my gloves and went to the trauma room.
"get some o neg on the infuser"
"no pulse"
"how long was downtime?" i asked doris, the paramedic
"i'm not sure, at least thirty minutes"
"i'll put an et tube in" mark said
"okay, we're gonna need to do a thoracotomy"
"10 blade"
as chuny cut through this kids shirt, i prepared.
i took the blade and cut in between the ribs
"okay, rib spreader"
i cranked it
"starting internal compression"
"get the paddles ready"
"how's it going?" doug aksed, coming in from the other room
"not looking so good"
we tried for another twenty minutes. the patient, andy, was gone.
"time of death 10:43"
malik and i got the death kit ready, i wrote down the info on the chart.
"the parents are coming in soon" carol said
"i'll clean him up" malik replied

it was later, i was working on a few other patients. the regular. a lac, rash and toothache.
the parents of andy came in though.
carol stood next to them.
"this is one of the doctors that took care of your son"
"how is he?" the father asked
"your son came in with severe injuries"
"he didn't have a pulse"
i already saw the look in their eyes
"another two doctor's, the nurses and i tried to revive his heart for over a half an hour but unfortunately his injures were too serious"
"i'm very sorry"
i hated that look, it felt like i broke that couples whole world. probably because i did. i know i tried all i could to save him but it just felt like that wasn't enough.
"carol can take you to see him if you want"
they nodded.
i went back to the admit desk
"you alright?" doug asked
"no matter how many times you deliver that schpeel it never gets easier" i sighed
"i say that all the time" i smiled
"anyways, i have a toothache in exam one"

"mr. daye?"
he nodded
"i'm dr. l/n"
"you've been complaining of a toothache?" i sighed
"i've been here for over an hour!"
"i'm sorry mr. daye"
"unfortunately i can't fix your toothache though"
"why not?"
"well, i went to school for emergency medicine not dentistry"
"so you can't do anything?"
"isn't your dental office open by now?"
"it opens at noon"
"you got ten minutes until then"
"i can give you some lidocaine for the pain if you really need"
i could already tell it was going to be a long day.

"y/n" carol said.
i was walking down the hallway, she looked white as a ghost.
"what's the matter?" i asked
she opened her hand, four bullets sat in her palm.
"they were in wilson's pocket"
"wilson killed andy?"
i was really shocked
she nodded.
"want me to phone up the detective?"
"yeah, and psych too"
"i'll go and talk to him though"

"they can't do anything?"
it was a little later, carol let me know that they weren't going to do anything with wilson.
it was really unfortunate. i understood though. he was under 10 so it was hard to tell if he knew what he was doing. obviously i believe he did, kids are smarter than adults think.
"nope" she sighed

i discharged my last patient. back pain.
it was muscular.
"still here twenty minutes after your shift" doug said, i was finishing charts.
"dealt with a hypochondriac" i laughed
"long day, huh?"
i nodded
"i knew it was gonna be after that toothache"
"and how did that go"
"i told him i was no dentist"
doug let out a cackle
i looked at him for a couple seconds
"today was another perfect example of how the world is a weird place"
"how so?"
"i mean you never see anything coming i guess"
he gave me a confused look
"that couple, wilson's parents"
"they were like you and i, they didn't know that their child was capable of doing something like that"
"you can't see something like that coming can you?"
"you love them as much as you can, you teach them as best as you can then you wish them good luck"
i smiled
"alright, let's get out of here"
i stood up and walked out of the exam room.
"mark, curfew is 11" doug shouted
"sounds good, dad" he yelled back
"goodnight mark" i laughed
we walked away
"is something up with them?" i heard jerry asked
"what do you think, jerry?" mark laughed.

doug and i walked out from the ambulance bay until a car sped by us.
a pregnant lady was in labour.
we went back in the hospital and delivered a baby girl. ruth, named after her grandma.
i looked at doug as he cleaned the baby's face. i guess i just smiled at the thought of us having that one day.

a/n: vote & comment! i hope you enjoyed

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