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sins of the fathers
September 21, 1999

my mom was heading home this morning.
she dropped me off at the hospital before she left for the airport.
"awe, stop it" i said, she was getting teary
i reached for a hug.
her help was needed. i finally felt like my personal life was somewhat in order again. now, my apartment wasn't a total mess and i actually had a crib set up for the baby. even though, i was working most of her time here, it was nice to catch up with her again.
"i'll send you lots of pictures when the baby comes"
"and call you"
"y/n, if you need absolutely anything, i'll be on the first flight out"
"thank you mom, for everything" i said, rubbing her back.
"i love you, sugar"
"i love you more" i said, blowing her a kiss.
i was getting teary, now.
i headed in the er, being greeted with the sound of a child screaming.
"you alright?" randy asked
"oh, yeah" i reassured, smiling.
"any cases i can take?"
"there's respiratory infection in curtain one" connie said
"how bad?"
"well, nasty cough"
"i don't know if i can afford getting sick right now"
"uhh, you know what?"  randy said, digging though a pile of charts.
she pulled out one, smiling "i got you a nosebleed in curtain three"
"thank you" i smiled

a twelve year old boy, he was covered in blood, and his nose was like a faucet.
"what happened?" i aksed the mom
"he was at school in gym class and got hit with a ball"
"that'll do it" i smiled
"was it a basketball?"
the kid nodded his head.
"i'm just gonna pack his nose with some gauze to stop the bleeding"
i took the gauze and shoved it up his nostril.
"okay, malik let's get him 5 of lidocaine and start a saline drip"
"he's a little dehydrated from the blood loss"
"and mrs. oldland, i'll be back soon to check on your son" i smiled, scribbling in the chart.
i walked out of the room and carol came up to me.
"y/n" she smiled
"i have a pregnant lady coming in at 1 i need to examine"
"could you give me a hand?"
i checked my watch, it was noon.
"sounds good to me" i nodded
"thank you" she smiled
"i'll see you then"
it was about a half an hour later, i went back to check on my nosebleed patient
"let's have a look" i said, putting on fresh gloves
"how's the pain, leo?"
"it doesn't hurt anymore"
"that's good"
i took some of the gauze out, the bleeding stopped
"well, your bleeding has stopped"
i touched his nose
"it definitely isn't broken"
"that's a relief" he mother smiled
i smiled
"well, you're good to go" i shrugged
"if it bleeds again, make sure to apply pressure"
"thank you so much, doctor"
"it's my pleasure"
i signed off on the chart, putting it in the pile of my other charts.

it was one when the pregnant lady came in. i went in an exam room with carol.
"do you know if it's a girl or boy?" i asked, listening to her chest.
"not yet"
"you want it to be a surprise?" carol smiled
"i guess"
she eyed my stomach "how about you, do you know what you're having?"
"i'm having a girl"
"awe" she said
i put my stethoscope back around my neck "well, you look healthy to me"
"yeah, the ultrasound looks great" carol said
"you look a little underweight though, you eating alright?" i asked
"sometimes its hard you know, with my job and all"
"i get it"
carol dropped something off the tray and picked it up, picking something else that fell out from under the gurney up.
"are you smoking?" she asked, a box of cigarettes sitting in her hand.
the girl got flustered.
"that's not good for the baby" carol said
"i know, i haven't been doing it that much"
"it's only since my job"
"doc magoos?" carol asked
"yeah, my boss doesn't give me a break"
"i'm always too slow"
"he stresses me out"
"i wanna look for anotner job, i just haven't had the chance"
"do you guys think there's somewhere i can work here?"
"we can go look for you"
i nodded my head.
"as long as you stop the smoking though" carol said

after, carol and i went to the cafeteria together.
"i feel bad for her" carol said
"i do too, if someone told me i was working too slow i'd probably go ballistic"
we were in line, i was trying to find something to eat but nothing appealed to me.
i took a bite of a carrot, it didn't taste right.
"not gonna eat anything?"
"nothing ever appeals to me anymore" i sighed
"can't keep anything down?"
"i haven't felt like eating the whole pregnancy"
"the only grace period was 3 to 5 months"
"you got those crazy cravings?"
i rolled my eyes "yeah, tuna casserole"
"i hate tuna but ate that thing every day"
carol let out a laugh.
we talked to the cashier, she showed carol the manager.
"you" she pointed at me
"i saw you bite into that carrot"
"you gotta pay for that you know"
"sorry" i said defensively
i handed her a bill and went off with carol.
succesfully, we got megan, the pregnant lady an interview at 5:30. i had no choice but to eat my carrot too.
the er was crazy busy, i needed to talk to weaver though.
i quickly walked down the hallway.
"kerry" i shouted, she turned around
"i know right now isn't the best time but"
i paused, catching my breath.
"i wanted to talk to you about my shifts lately"
"oh y/n, yes"
"the short shifts will be changed back" she smiled
"with everything going on that was the only scheduling available"
"no, really, it's okay"
i put a hand on my hip.
"i was gonna actually ask you if i could continue to have short shifts"
"if that's possible of course" i shrugged
"sure, is everything okay?"
"for the most part i guess"
"it's just that i'm getting really pregnant and i find its effecting my performance in some ways"
"i really want to be more involved but i'm gonna pop pretty soon" i laughed
"well, of course, i can definitely do that for you"
"and from the looks of it, i don't think your pregnancy is getting in the way of your patients" she smiled
"thank you kerry" i smiled
"have a good night, y/n"

and i was off.
"oh, carol" i turned around
"let me know how megan's interview goes"
"heading out?"
"yeah, gotta soak my feet" i smiled
"well, i'll see you tomorrow" she smiled
"goodnight" i nodded.

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