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hazed and confused
November 12, 1998

"you look really happy" i said to weaver.
she was practically skipping down the hallways.
"it's so nice to finally focus on medicine for once" she smiled
"i love your hair" she added
"oh thanks?" i replied
i trimmed some layers around my face a couple nights ago.

it was the early afternoon, i walked into the lounge to go get a cup of coffee.
jerry was threatening to beat up a paramedic.
"jerry, what're doing" i laughed
"they were making fun of yosh"
"they always raid our supply" connie added
"why don't you guys stick to your stuff and we'll stick to ours" i said, sipping on my coffee.
they eventually left.
"that's not gonna stop them" connie said
"why don't you bring it up to mark, he's been doing a lot of ride alongs lately"
"maybe he can stop them?"

i'd been busy with patients all day. before i knew it, i only had an hour left of my shift.
"hey, y/n" doug said.
i turned around
"haven't seen you all day" he smiled
"it's been pretty busy"
"look, i have to tell you something"
"what?" i said, the smile disappearing from my face
i was a little nervous
"marks apartment is being fumigated so he asked to stay with us"
"i told him he could, but i also told his about us"
"doug, it's no big deal" i smiled
i nodded.
that was the least of my worries. in fact, i didn't care if anyone knew about doug and i.
"i guess i'm gonna finally get a nights rest tonight" doug smirked, walking away.
"shut up" i laughed

i had a puking lady, she vomited about six times in the past half an hour. food poisoning.
"let's get a saline drip started" i told yosh
her stood sample indicated bacteria.
"loperamide too?"
"yeah, let me know when she's rehydrated"
i walked to see another one of my patients
"i need you to go and talk to carter and lucy"
"oh god" i groaned
"where are they?"
"the lounge"
i began walking that way
"thank you" he shouted
i opened the doors to the lounge, lucy and carter were yelling at each other.
i sat down and they continued. when i hit my hand on the table, they finally looked at me.
"if there's one thing i know, whatever's happening right now isn't working"
"instead of yelling at each other and telling each other about what you do wrong, let's find a way to move forward"
"you know dr. l/n, i don't think there is one" carter said
"you're the resident, she's the med student, it's your job to teach her"
he opened this mouth to say something.
"with that being said" i raised my finger
"i'm not saying med students aren't annoying or hard to deal with"
"we all were at one point"
"just one thing to keep in mind, for both of you"
"we're all going through life for the first time, we're all learning how to do things day by day"
"you can't be a resident without being a med student and you can't be an attending without mentoring a med student"
"cut each other some slack"
"we're all just trying to get through this" i laughed, heading out the door.

i was back home now. i took a shower and changed into a pair of pj bottoms and a sweatshirt. i chopped tomatoes for dinner as mark came next to me.
"you don't have to make me dinner, y/n"
"please, doug and i are eating, it's the least i could do" i laughed
"so" he smirked at me
"how long have you been seeing doug?"
"well, we've been official for about a month but we've been seeing each other since the start of the summer"
"i'm surprised you didn't catch on"
"i'm surprised you didn't tell anyone"
i shrugged
"make yourself at home, mark"

it was a little later, dinner was now cooking. i sat in the living room, finishing up some paperwork.
doug snaked an arm around me.
"hey" i smiled
"i'm home" he said, kissing my neck.
"you sure you're not mad about me telling mark about us?"
"doug" i said, elongating the g
he pursed his lips.
"i love you and that shouldn't be a secret"
"i want people to know i love you"
he smiled
"come here" he said, giving me a big kiss.

a/n: i will re-edit the past few stories and add the dates to all soon,, just haven't gotten the chance to sort of figure them out!! votes & comments are beyond appreciated <3<3

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