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point of origin
March 20, 1999

spring was definitely in the air. i could smell the rain accumulating.
i stopped in front of the hospital for a bite to eat. all the sudden, i couldn't keep anything down. the first trimester was usually bad for women anyways.
"that looks really good" carol smiled
i was spreading cream cheese on a bagel.
"still having headaches?" she asked
"you know carol" i smiled
"the cause of my headaches aren't because of carbon monoxide or stress"
"oh my god" she gasped
i didn't even have to tell her the reason. she knew.
"i'm pregnant"
"well, congratulations" she smiled
"you can have this bagel, i can't keep anything down"
"have you seen your ob about that?"
i was silent
"you don't know if you're keeping it yet"
"have you called doug?"
"no" i sighed
"i feel so stupid" i laughed
"i don't know, doug's thousands of miles away"
"i'm gonna be carrying his baby"
"and i'm still wearing this stupid ring"
"you're not stupid" she smiled
"it's okay to be mad at the world and it's okay to wonder if you don't want to have it"
i smiled
"i've only told mark and you about this"
"don't worry, y/n, i'm not telling anyone"
"if you need anything though, i'm always here"
"thanks carol"
"really" i added

i clicked a pen and it sent a zap throughout my arm.
"april fools" jerry laughed
"i would tread lightly jerry"
"is that a threat?"
"a warning"
"jerry, go find something better to do" mark said.
he followed me down the hall. i had a bunch of kids to see.
"how're you feeling, y/n?"
"horrible morning sickness" i groaned
"are you keeping it?"
"probably, i don't know"
he opened his mouth to say something, but i beat him to it.
"and no, doug doesn't know yet"
"you should tell him"

"thank you so much dr. l/n"
"of course"
"i hope you feel better ashley" i smiled
my last patient.
i'd dealt with children all day, it definitely gave me some clarity.
in fact, i had come to a conclusion on this baby.
"heading out?" mark asked, we were in the lounge
"yeah" i smiled
"you look happy" he said, raising an eyebrow. i guess that was sort of usual lately; me being happy.
"i'm keeping it" i grinned, mark gave me a surprised yet, happy look.
"i'm so glad, y/n" he smiled, reaching for a hug.

soon after i got off work, i made an appointment with my ob.
i rested my arm on the reception desk of the office.
"can i help you?" the lady smiled
"i need to make an appointment" i told the receptionist.
"of course, what's the reason?"
"i'm having a baby" i smiled
for the first time, i was actually happy to say that.  i was having a baby.

a/n: hey!! as always, i hope you enjoyed this part.. i said last time that i had an important thing coming this past friday. i'm not sure if a lot of people saw or not, but it was the announcement of my next story coming out!! i hope to publish it this coming february.. it's a really good one guys!!
votes + comments are appreciated <33

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