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split second
September 21, 1998

"oh yeah, that's the spot"
"you're so tense" doug groaned

i was sitting in the lounge, doug was giving my shoulders a massage. my neck was so stiff.
"my turn" he said, sitting on a chair
mark opened the door.
"two gsws are coming in"
he threw the yellow trauma gowns at us.
"i'll finish your massage later" i smiled

i put on the gown along with some gloves. the patient came in, gunshot to the head.
the paramedics head was also bleeding
"you need some sutures on that lac" mark told her
"i'll go check it out"
i showed her the way to the suture room.

"is this gonna leave a scar?"
"i don't wanna seem cocky but i'm pretty good at this"
"now if you got a med student to do it, you probably would have scarring"
"way to throw them under the bus"
i injected some lidocaine in the wound.
"i'm just saying, med students are less experienced" i laughed
"they come in not knowing how to do an iv"
i began suturing the wound.
"so, angry patient?" i asked
"yeah, the things you do as a paramedic"
"you might not think it but you docs in here are lucky"
"i believe you"
"i remember doing ride alongs, they were pretty freaky"
"yeah, you see the sites of the problems"
"they're usually worse than the patients"
"i remember i once went on a sight of a school shootout"
"crazy that people actually decide to go and shoot up a bunch of kids"
"can't say i've done one of those"
"seen a lot of kids get shot but nothing like that"
"it was a real reality check, being a doctor in a hospital and not one of those patients"
"i'm sure your job keeps you thankful everyday" she laughed
"yours does too"

i was on a night shift, and all night, the heat was pumping in the er, of course as i left it was now freezing.
i finished my charts at the admit desk.
weaver was being her usual bitchy self. ever since doug did that detox, she'd been on his back about things.
"heading out?" carol asked
"i'm finally off" i sighed
"all night i was sweating here and now that i leave the airs finally on"
"lucky us i guess"
"i'll see you tomorrow" i laughed

i got home, took a quick shower, had a bite to eat and immediately fell asleep in my bed.
i was so tired.
i opened my eyes, the sun was just starting to set.
doug stood in my doorway
"sorry, did i wake you?" he whispered
"no, i should get up anyways"
"how was your day?" i asked
he sat down on the edge of my bed
"glad it's over" he laughed
"kerry weaver?"
he nodded
"you gonna finish that massage from earlier?" he smirked

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