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leave it to weaver
July 7, 1999

i was at a coffee shop, waiting in line.
i tried to steer away from the caffeine so i ordered some milk. another thing i could actually keep down.
"milk is disgusting" a kid said
he was standing behind me in line.
"and what do you order?" i smiled
"vanilla cappuccino"
"do your parents know you drink coffee?"
"that stuff stunts your growth" i teased
"so, you're the coffee police?"
i shook my head
i sure wish my kid doesn't turn out that. what's with kids nowadays anyway?
"thanks" i told the barista as i picked up my cup of milk from him.
i took my cup and walked out of the coffee shop. i stopped at the intersection, pressing the cross walk button.
about ten seconds later though, a truck crashed into the building i was just in.
i looked up and thanked god. if i didn't walk out of that place when i did, who knows where i'd be.
i went into the building.
"okay, calm down everyone" i shouted
there was screams and cries all over the room.
"i'm a doctor, i can help"
i set aside my milk and dug through my bag. thankfully, i found a pair of gloves inside.
"does anyone here have a phone?"
"i do!" a man yelled
"okay, call 911"
i stayed with a mother and daughter, the mom looked the worst.
he daughter was crying.
"it's gonna be okay" i hushed
thankfully, nobody in this building were in terribly critical conditions.
"help me!" a teenage boy yelled. he was in the line with me, had a big attitude too.
"help is on the way" i said, again, looking at a woman's legs.
"hang on tight, okay" i smiled, she nodded her head.
i already heard the sirens outside.
i moved on to another man, he had a wound on his stomach.
"listen, i'm gonna put pressure on this"
his belly was bleeding like crazy. i placed his hand over it, pushing down.
"holy hell lady" he shouted
i bent down next to a kid, she had a lac on her head.
"hey, sweetie" i smiled
she was crying.
"it's going to be okay"
"she's mine" a mother said, laying at the corner of the room.
"heres momma" i smiled, handing the girl toward her.
"are we going to be okay?" a man asked
"everyone is going to be fine" i reassured
i got in the ambulance with a young boy.
we arrived at county and kerry opened the doors.
"y/n" she said, raising her eyebrows.
"gosh are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine kerry" i smiled
"a truck crashed into this coffee shop"
"you got this?" i asked
"yeah" she smiled
"you're bleeding, let's get you inside" she added
"gosh, i'm okay, there's more traumas on the way though"
we had a ton of sutures come in so i was pretty busy.
my overalls had a blood stain on them. i didn't have anything else to wear though. i wasn't really even planning on being here today anyway. i looked especially like a pregnant lady.
i walked into the suture room to see kovac, the moonlighter, suturing the coffee boy.
"you're milk lady"
kovac turned around
"yeah, i work here" i smiled, clipping my ID on my shirt.
"i was looking for you earlier" i added
"i was behind the coffee counter" he shrugged
"do you work here all the time?" he asked me
"don't answer those questions" kovac said
i smiled.
"alright, you're good to go" kovac said, chuny took the boy out of the room to his parents.
"so, do you have time to suture this?"
i pointed to my arm.
"sure" he smiled
"you were there at the coffee shop, huh?"
"yeah, just barely walked out of the place before this truck drove into it"
"yeah" i sighed
he took some saline and irrigated my arm.
"mark and kerry won't let me do traumas, i don't think they trust me"
"why not?"
"i don't know"
kovac had a beautiful accent. he was from croatia.
"when people don't trust you, they act formal with you"
"you've worked here a couple times though, right?"
he nodded his head.
"they didn't even call me luka until the last time"
"i hope these sutures are good enough for you to call me luka" he smiled, beginning to suture
"i'm sure they will, luka" i smiled "
he was silent, focusing on suturing.
"so, how far along are you?"
he eyed my belly
"six months" i smiled
"it's a girl"
"i saw you with that little girl earlier"
"you're good with kids?"
"i love kids" he smiled
"but the one i just sutured, he was relentless"
"i know, i saw him in the coffee shop"
"kids are different now"
"they have this way about them" i shrugged
"i think so too"
he tied off the last suture a couple minutes later, bandaging my arm up.
"thank you, luka"
"no problem, y/n" he smiled

i was doing charts when the baby kept kicking.
"gosh" i groaned
"you alright, y/n?" carol asked
"yeah" i smiled
"the baby is kicking"
"that's exciting" she said
"she's a very active baby lately"
"just wait until she uses your bladder as a trampoline" connie groaned
"can't wait" i said, sarcastically
"trauma coming in" mark said
i looked at my watch
"on that note, i have an ob appointment to go to"
"see you, y/n" connie and carol said, heading toward the trauma.
"wait a second" mark said, following me to the lounge
"what's up?"
"did you hear about anspaugh?" he sighed
"he's resigning"
i raised an eyebrow.
"so, i went to this meeting to discuss romano replacing him"
"i said it wasn't a good idea"
i nodded my head
"kerry turned on me"
"before the meeting we agreed that we'd stand up"
"you're kidding"
"but get this, not only is romano chief of staff now but he asked kerry to be chief of the er"
"what a bitch" i scoffed
"she turned on me!"
"i'm sorry mark" i frowned
"i should've come up with you and defended you"
"no, you're smart and stay away from management"
"i really feel bad" i told him
"i'll call you later, y/n"
"i hope the rest of your day goes well"
"yeah, i'll try to make through it" he laughed
i headed back out. back into the heat.

a/n: happy new year everyone! i can't believe it's already 2024.. this past year has been crazy. i've written 3 stories and published almost a whole one. i feel like things are finally starting to fall into place lately and i cannot wait for his new year. as some of you may know, i have my second story (and third??) coming out this coming year. i'm so excited for you to see those up coming projects because im so happy with them. im so thankful that we've gotten this far together because we're almost done this story!! that's unbelievable for me to think.
i hope you all have a wonderful 2024. i hope this new year brings out the best in you, offers you happiness, prosperity, good luck, relaxation and i hope all you wish for comes true. happy new year everyone. xx

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