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great expectations
November 25, 1999

i was sleeping soundly in my bed until i felt like i was going to pee my pants. i didn't think the baby didn't feel too too active, i guess i was wrong, though.
i rolled off my pillows and waddled to the bathroom. before i could even make my way to the toilet, i felt a gush of fluid fly out of me. my pants were soaked, too.
i let out a groan, running my hand through my hair.
my water just broke.

before the contractions even had a chance at worsening, i gathered my bag of things. diapers, a onesie, my medical id, diapers for me, a blanket, a fresh pair of clothes. i didn't really realize, but i'd been contracting for a few days. i knew it was normal, and it was getting closer to my due date. when i really felt them yesterday, i thought they were braxton hicks.
i put a pair of socks on, slid on my shoes, threw on my coat and i was off to the hospital.

on the l, another painful contraction started. it took a lot out of me not to just start screaming. it felt like a giant rock was sliding down my pelvis. i couldn't really believe that they were progressing this quickly.
then i started sweating.
it was the end of november.
thanksgiving of all days.
and i was sitting on the l like some crazy lady, sweating profusely and trying my hardest not to let out a groan.
another contraction began.
"excuse me?" i asked a lady beside me.
"what time is it?"
"thank you" i smiled
seven minutes apart.
it wasn't that bad. i had awhile to go.
"are you alright?"
"i'm in labour" i said, trying to force another smile.
she raised her eyebrows "do you need me to call 911?"
"no, i'm a doctor"
"my hospital is only a couple minutes away"
"are you sure?"
i nodded my head
"i'm sure" i laughed
the l ride felt like the longest ride of my life. i hobbled down the stairs of the l platform as quick as i could, heading to the ambulance bay.. that's when i saw the back of kovac's head.
"carol" i shouted
"y/n?" carol asked, turning around.
i let out a deep breath.
"im in labour" i panted
"your water broke?"
"clear fluid" i nodded
they both held my hands, leading me in the hospital.
"contractions are about six minutes apart"
"how far along are you?" luka asked
"38 and a half weeks"
we walked into the hospital.
"kerry" carol shouted
"is it happening?" she smiled
i began humming, this contraction was pretty bad.
carol took off my coat for me
"i just got out of bed and boom, water broke"
i was in a tank top and flannel pyjama bottoms.
"let's take y/n to trauma one" kerry said, smiling
"luka, carol, we have a trauma coming in behind us"
they nodded their heads.
"good luck" carol shouted
"thank you" i smiled
kerry latched onto one of my arms leading me down the hall.
"how long have you been contracting, y/n?"
"a couple days"
"water broke clear?"
"yes" i nodded
"contractions are around five to six minutes apart"
"alright, let's get you on the gurney" she said
carter followed me over there, grinning ear to ear.
i slid on the gurney and chuny took my pyjama pants off, draping a cover over my lower half.
the gurney was turned against the doors of the trauma rooms and a baby monitor was put on my belly.
"y/n, i'm gonna check your cervix, okay?" kerry said
"am i gonna have to deliver down here?" i panted
that was the last thing i wanted to happen. it would be pretty ironic, though.
"i don't think so, you're only about seven centimetres" she smiled
"who's your ob?"
"dr. mclucas"
"okay, we'll take you up in a bit"
"baby's heart rate is normal" carter said
carter scribbled down on a chart.
"bp is 112 over 70 pulse 78" haleh smiled
"want me to page mark?" carol asked, peeping though the door
chuny went on the phone, notifying labour and delivery.
"please" i smiled
"he's my labour coach" i sighed
"okay, we'll get you up to ob, y/n"
"i'll try to come up and see you after the delivery" kerry smiled
"best of luck" carter waved
"thank you, guys" i smiled

i got off the elevator up in labour and delivery.
"hi mom, i'm abby lockhart, your nurse" a brown haired lady greeted.
that was the first time i had been called mom.
another nurse came and helped wheel my gurney to the room.
"i'm nurse sandra" the other one said
i waved at both of them "hi"
"we're gonna help change you into this gown" abby smiled
as i changed into the gown, another contraction started
i groaned.
"do you want that epidural?"
"oh my god, yes" i smiled
"whimp" mark said, coming into the room
"mark" i exclaimed, i was so happy to see him.
"hey" he said, kissing my cheek
"i'll go get the anesthesiologist" abby said
"i'm sorry i ruined your thanksgiving, mark" i sighed
he smiled at me.
"please, i couldn't wait to get out of there"
"i feel bad for elizabeth" he laughed
i smiled
"hanging in there?" he asked
"it's pretty brutal" i laughed
"and i haven't even begun yet"
"you're doing great" he smiled
a few moments later, the anesthesiologist came in.
"okay, epidural means-"
"catheter" mark, abby and i said in sync
"go ahead" i mumbled, opening up my legs.
"you two are doctors?" abby asked
"down in the er" mark smiled
the anesthesiologist injected some local anesthetic in my back.
"alright, we need you to sit up"
"you won't do it on the side?"
"it's more accurate when you're sitting up"
"okay" i groaned, sitting up.
abby held on to one side of me and mark held on to the other. i rounded out my back.
"oh god" i groaned
"need more local?"
"no, it's just a contraction" i reassured
dr. coburn came into the room
"y/n l/n?"
she saw my face.
"dr. l/n!" she exclaimed
"oh, and mark?"
"congratulations" she said in a confused tone.
he shook his head "i'm not the father"
"just my labour coach" i said
"alright, well"
"dr. mclucas is out of state for thanksgiving, she told me to cover her practice in the meantime if that's alright with you"
"mhm" i hummed, laying back down.
finally the epidural kicked in. i felt amazing.
mark was flipping though channels on the tv. it was already dark outside.
"ooh, post game is on" he said
"how fun" i mocked
mark looked at his watch and yawned.
"i should probably call elizabeth"
"you need me to call anyone?" mark asked
i knew who he was thinking about
"no, i'll wait until the baby arrives" i said
the alarm on the baby monitor beeped.
"sandra, can you get coburn?" abby said, looking at it.
mark moved the monitor around my belly, we found the pulse again
"nevermind" she smiled
"is she rotating?"
"need me to prep an or?" sandra asked
abby nodded her head.
"i'll need a c-section?" i asked
"it's precaution"
mark went to go change into scrubs and i put on a hairnet.
"i'm gonna check to see how dilated you are"
she checked my cervix.
"y/n" abby said calmy
"the cord is prolapsed"
"oh my god" i groaned
"she's only eight centimetres dilated" sandra said
"crash c-section" mark said, helping me on the other gurney.
"jesus christ" i said, going to the or
i couldn't believe this was happening.
"abby what happened?" coburn asked
"she's got a prolapsed cord"
"alright, scrub in"
mark raised his eyebrows "if you let go of that cord the baby is in risk"
"do you want to assist on a c-section mark?"
he shook his head
"then give her ten seconds to scrub in"
"we need anesthesiology" he shrugged
"no time, she has an epidural, she'll be fine"
mark stood behind me.
"god please, i need you to help me" i prayed
"mark, save the baby" i whispered
"save the baby" i begged
i held tightly onto marks hands.
"it's ok, y/n" he hushed
"alright, blade to skin" coburn said
"bladder blade" i heard abby say
i felt a ton of pressure in my body, it was the most uncomfortable feeling i've ever felt before.
i closed my eyes.
"is she out mark?"
i opened my eyes as he nodded.
she wasn't crying.
i saw her from my peripherals
"oh my god, she's blue mark"
"she'll pink up" he nodded
"what's the app guard?"
mark was silent
"mark, please"
"5" he whispered.
i let out a deep breath. 5 wasn't good.

it was a few minutes later.
"we're up to 8 now" mark said
she'd already pinked up a lot.
my alarms on the other hand, we're beeping.
"we've got a boggy uterus" coburn said
i looked in the infuser. there was at least a litre of blood in there.
"oh my god, i'm bleeding out"
"we're gonna take her to get cleaned up" sandra said, taking the baby away
i nodded my head.
mark came back behind me, monitoring my vitals.
"stay with me, y/n" mark warned.
he touched my cheek, then held onto my hand.
"get a hysterectomy kit" coburn said
"are we there yet?" mark asked
"please god no" i said, a tear escaping from my eye.
this was the worst possible situation to happen.
the anesthesiologist finally came in and gave me medicine, though.
"can't we clamp off an artery?"
mark waved his hand in the air "it takes less than thirty seconds"
"thirty seconds we might not have" coburn said
"i'm not losing a patient"
everything started getting foggy
i felt like i was going to pass out.
"mark" i mumbled.
"o neg is in"
"y/n, stay with me, it's gonna be okay" mark said
i closed my eyes.
and that's all i could remember.
i woke up back in the ob room i was in earlier, mark was cradling the baby.
"you're awake" he smiled, stepping closer to my gurney.
"how did everything go?"
"it was good, they stopped the bleeding"
i looked down
he smiled "and yes, you still have your uterus"
a wave of relief came over me.
"got a name yet?"
i shook my head
abby came in the room.
"they want you downstairs"
"why?" mark asked
"your dad came in with a lac"
mark let out a groan.
"she's gorgeous y/n" he said, handing me the baby.
i looked at her precious face, her perfect head.
"i'm not supposed to say this but she's one of the most beautiful baby's i've seen before" abby smiled
i stroked the thin, dark hair on her head.
"mark, thank you so much"
he smiled
"i mean it" i nodded
i did, mark was my biggest supporter. my biggest advocate right now, too.
"anytime y/n"
"you call me if you need anything, okay?" he said, kissing the top of my head
i nodded my head.
"i'll try to get back up here with elizabeth later"
"okay, let me know if everything is okay down there"
"i will, y/n"

a few moments went by.
"does this phone call long distance?" i asked
"you might need a call card, where do you need?" abby asked
"i can go check"
the baby whined
"first, are you breastfeeding?" she smiled
"i guess so," i shrugged
"hadn't really thought about it" i smiled
"it's easy to wean off later on though, right?"
she nodded her head "after atleast a month, yeah"
she was a natural breast fed baby, a gentle one, too.
abby checked her watch.
"well, the night shift nurse will be on in a minute"
i raised my eyebrows "you're leaving?"
she nodded
"i'm sorry i was such a pain"
"please, you're probably the best patient i've ever seen" she laughed
she smiled
"thank you so much" i said
"congratulations, y/n"
"and happy thanksgiving" she smiled
"happy thanksgiving" i smiled
later, the other nurse came in with a call card.
"doug" i smiled
"you're alive" he said
"i had our daughter"
"oh my god" he said in a surprised tone
"how'd things go, y/n?"
"well, i had to have an emergency c-section"
"the cord was prolapsed"
"are you okay?" he asked
"i had bleeding in my uterus but they saved it thankfully"
"and i'm alright now"
"mark was there for it all"
"i'm glad"
"how's the baby?"
"she's beautiful doug" i said
"i wish you could've been here, but i didn't expect to be delivering so soon"
i could tell he was getting teary over the phone, which made me teary.
"anyway, i need a name for her"
we chatted on the phone for about an hour. i cried, he cried. it was so hard.
now i sat in the room alone, i felt so scared, so empty, and so lonely. i looked at my beautiful baby girl.
she had doug's eyes, for sure.
it made me so sad looking at her, it made me sad realizing what my life had become. yet, at the same time, i was so proud of this baby. it was just her and me in my life.
welcome to the world my gorgeous Juliette, Sarah Ross.

a/n: the Ross baby is born!! i've been so excited to publish this part and i'm so glad it's finally here! obviously, in the TV series Carol gets pregnant with Ross' twins. i didn't want y/n to deliver twins, just because i thought that belonged to Carol (if that makes sense). i hope you enjoyed this part! this great news/ part only means less time together, in this story. but, more exciting things are on their way. i'm so so busy lately and i just want it to be February already!! i hope you all are enjoying your week so far! it's Wednesday!! almost the weekend thankfully.
votes and comments are beyond appreciated! let me know how you're enjoying this!

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