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a bloody mess
April 9, 1998

"y/n, we got two traumas coming in" mark shouted, i hurried over to trauma one.
"okay, on my count"
we transferred the girl from the stretcher to the gurney.
"cross table c spine and pelvic" i said while putting my gloves on.
"dip a urine"
i listen to her breath sounds
"lungs are clear"
"pulse 100 bp is normal" lily said, confused
i raised my eyebrows"then where's this blood coming from?"
"hold on" delamico said, going out into the hall
while she was gone, i flipped the patient over looking for exit wounds.
delamico came back in with a angry expression on her face.
"it was an experiment"
"you're kidding" i scoffed, taking the gloves off.
i looked outside of the door at the fake blood pooled through the er hallways.

"help! we need help over here"
i headed toward the incoming patient, putting a pair of gloves on
"what's open?"
"curtain three" jerry said
"okay, she's dehydrated"
"dry skin and mucus"
"start a line, saline"
"also get a cbc chem 7 ua"

it was a couple moments later, she perked up a bit. a pregnant lady, she lost consciousness.
"she's lost so much weight, three miscarriages she can't lose this one" the husband said
"bp is 100 over 60" malik added
" okay, she's out"
the woman passed out again.
"i'm okay" she said, lifting her head up
i kept her head stable with my hands
"let's get multi vites and put her on the monitor"
"please save her"
"we'll understand further when her labs get back"

i attended two other patients.
the pregnant woman's labs came back.
"i feel so much better" she said in relief.
"you feel much better because your rehydrated"
"the vomiting can contribute or get worse throughout your pregnancy"
"and your labs indicate that your kidneys aren't working"
"i'll be okay"
"your potassium level is dangerous aswell
there's medicine available to help this"
"i can't take medicine, that will effect my pregnancy"
"there's a possibility"
"would you take the medicine if i were you"
"i don't know what i would do"
"i know that if your condition worsens, your life could be at risk though"

"rumour has it that you're quitting your fellowship?"
"word spreads fast" doug replied, nodding as
we walked down the hallway.
"i don't know what i'm going to do yet"
we turned the corner, my pregnant patient was being wheeled out.
"thanks for nothing, doctor" the husband said in an angry tone.
"excuse me?"
"you're religious"
i was confused.
"i'm a religious woman but, what does that have to do with how i practice medicine?"
he shook his head at me "i don't want my wife on drugs"
"okay, but let that be her decision"
he rolled his eyes before walking away.
"what's that about?" doug asked
i shot him a weird look "i'm not entirely sure"

it was hours later, everything sort of slowed down. except for peters car accident. i wasn't really helping much with that though.
i was treating a young boy who complained of a stomach ache.
his stomach films came back normal, his labs were normal too.
"so what did you eat today?"
"baloney sandwiches"
"how many sandwiches did you eat?"
my eyes went wide
"you ate five sandwiches" i said in a wowed tone
he giggled and nodded his head
"well, next time eat less bologna"
"well, if you eat too many baloney sandwiches they'll like up in your tummy and you'll pop"

it was just about the end of my shift. i had ten minutes left on the clock. i donated some blood for anspaughs son, scott. he had cancer.
"dr. l/n" corday said
i looked up from my charts i was dictating "please, y/n is okay" i smiled
"y/n, carol, anna and i are having a few drinks at my place later tonight, care to join us?"
"i'd love to elizabeth" i smiled
"perfect, stick around until 8 and i see you then"
"sounds good"

i sat on elizabeth's couch, anna and carol next to me. i sipped on a pink coloured cocktail.
"so carol, we all want to hear about your sex life"
carols eyes widened
"you guys"
"well?" elizabeth said, raising an eyebrow
"i know mine hasn't been eventful" anna laughed.
"to tell the truth, i don't have much of one anymore" carol laughed
"doug and i are kind of in the outs right now" carol looked right at me.
there was a knock on the door.
"i'll be right back" elizabeth said, answering the door.
i continued to take another sip of my drink.

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