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"King! We've gotta stick together, We gotta stick together!" Luz cried out, tightening her grip on the little titan's paw.

"I'm sorry" the young titan croaked out, tears in his eyes "Not this time". King began to wiggle his claws, trying to free his paw from the human's grip.

"Luz!" A shaky voice cried out from behind them. Amity came running down the crumbling bridge. Her hand was helplessly outstretched towards her two friends.

The vines started to unravel and snap, the portal door creaking in protest. Luz felt her grip on the vines loosen under her sweaty palms. Wrapping the vines more securely around her wrist, She hastily reached into her jacket pocket, her fingers groping around for anymore paper-made glyphs. There was none.

"I can't keep you safe" King continued on, still attempting to free his paw. Luz turned back to him, tears blurring her vision. Amity had almost reached them now, only metres from the siblings. Over the bellowing winds, Luz heard several pairs of feet rounding towards her as well as the flickering and whirling of the portals magic all joining together into muffling echoes bouncing around the inside of cracking titan skull.

"KINGGGGGG" The Collector shrieked childishly "You pinky promised". Luz watched on in terror as the Collector made a forceful motion with his pinky finger. And with that, she felt an extra tug painfully yank her right arm. Like a mighty vacuum-sucking King, herself and all the floating skull fragments towards the Collector. The vines gave one final groan and gave way.

"Luz, I'm so happy I had you as a big sister" King blubbered out through a heavy sob. His violet eyes were glassy with tears.

"WEHHHHH" The little titan cried. Powerful sound waves burst out in all directions. Luz felt her brother's tiny furry hand slide out from within her fingers. She helplessly groped the space between them but it was no use. She felt the pulsing sound waves hit her and send her flying backwards, slamming her body into Amity and then continuing to push the pair further.

Time seemed to slow for a fraction of a second. Luz was suspended in mid-air, her hand still outstretched. She watched as King tumbled backwards, soaring straight to Collector. Their eyes locked. Then the moment was broken and time returned.

Luz soared through the portal door landing in a heap on the damp ground. "NO" She yelled "KING!". As Luz started to stand, the door slammed shut. She hastily ran forward, slipping on the mud. She grabbed onto the handle and yanked the door open. But all that was there was the crumbling old house's interior.

Overwhelmed by disbelief, Luz shut the door and tried again. Nothing. Just a sunken red sofa and a floor scattered with wilted leaves.

"King..." Luz muttered closing her eyes. She felt a heavy sob rack her body. With her hand still firmly on the rusted handle Luz looked over at her friends. Hunter lay slumped down in the mud with Willow huddled beside him, her arms wrapped around him protectively. Gus doubled over, quietly sobbing into his hands and Amity sat dumbfounded, staring back at Luz. Low thunder rumbled above and the rain continued pelting down on them.


It was a struggle to find her way through the muddy woodland, but even with the continual grey sheets of rain bearing down on them Luz managed to locate the desolate road. They made slow work trekking up the dark road. With Luz in the lead, Amity and Willow in the middle and Gus and Hunter taking up the rear, they made their way over to the small rows of houses.

No one questioned when Luz made a sudden turn up onto a driveway and stepped onto a low porch. Luz waited for the others to catch up with her before knocking on the door. As she waited for someone to answer she glanced up the street. All the houses were dark silhouettes in the storm. Only hers had a warm glow pouring out from the ground floor windows.

The door creaked open and Luz heard someone gasp. She looked back at the door and saw her Mom staring back at her.

"Hey Mom" Luz stuttered tearfully "I'm back..."

A very Human summerWhere stories live. Discover now