Long Night

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Luz fell forward into her mother's arms as a series of uncontrollable sobs racked her body.

"Luz" Camila started "How did you..."

Luz pulled away from her mom and looked up at her. Camila read her daughter's face and immediately pulled her back into a tight hug. She must've realised it's not the time to ask questions. This hug lasted longer than the last. Luz felt her mother's warmth and craved her presence which she'd been lacking for the past few months. She buried her face deep into the folds of her mother's jumper. Camila took one glance around at the other kids and gave them a weak smile.

"Come in" Camila said warmly "All of you must be freezing". She pushes the door open wider, bathing them all in a warm golden glow of light. The four demons stood there staring up at Camila. Luz pulled away from her mom and extended her hand out towards them. Amity quickly reached out and grabbed ahold and stepped closer to Camila. She paused, looking up at Camila again and returned a weak smile to the kind woman before being guided through the doorway by Luz. The others followed with little to no hesitation. Taking one last look around at the quiet night, Camila closed the door on the empty street.

As everyone meandered down the hallway, Vee poked her head around the kitchen doorway.

"Hi Luz" The basilisk said sheepishly, her ears twitching with anxiety. Luz looked up and gave her a small smile. "Hi Vee" she replied.

Once everyone had entered the kitchen Camila told them all to sit around the table while she finishes serving up dinner. While the others went about choosing where to sit, Luz remained at the kitchen doorway looking over at her mom busying herself with stirring a pot on the stove. Amity hung back as well, she and Luz were still hand in hand.

"You okay?" Amity asked.

Luz didn't look away from her mom but answered "Not really no". She didn't even try to hide the overwhelming sadness in her voice.

Amity took a deep breath "I'm glad you're here".

"Me too" is all Luz could muster.

"I really- I really thought you wouldn't listen to me back there" Amity quickly muttered, her voice cracking near the end.

This shocked Luz. She turned to face Amity to see the girl's face was turning a bright shade of red and her eyes a glassy blur. "I thought you were going to stay back there" Amity said, looking down at her mud-splattered boots. "For all I know, I've already lost my dad, Edric and Emira to the Collector... I couldn't bear the thought of losing you too" she croaked out, tears trailing down her face. Luz felt the tears start to build in her own eyes but pushed them down. This was not her sadness to feel. This was her time to help her girlfriend.

Luz gave Amity's hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure your family will be okay" Luz began, she used the calming tone her mother always used with her whenever she was in a panic "They're strong and they're smart they'll know what to do, besides we're going to find our way back there and we'll see them again soon and help them" Luz placed her free hand under Amity's chin and raised the girls head so they were eye to eye and smiled.
"And you could never lose me, I'll always be with you" Luz finished still smiling. Amity stared at her for a few quiet moments. Luz could feel Amity searching her eyes, trying to read her mind to see if she was telling the truth. Finally, she returned a small smile. "Okay, you're right we'll get back to them" She said, wiping her eyes with the end of her sleeve.

They stood there looking into each other's eyes and smiling at each other. As if trying to take in all they could of the other person. Take in all their scars and all their feelings and let them be.

Camila came walking over with a tray of spoons, bowls and napkins in one hand and a basket of bread rolls balanced in the other. "Would you two mind taking these over to the table for me?" she asked calmly.

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