Shopping with Demons

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The weather seemed to be better than the days previous. The raging storm must've blown itself out overnight into the gentle spring breeze that now rustles the fresh blooming leaves. Birds and squirrels fly through the branches of the trees lining a wooded lane.

The car quietly hummed down the road towards the town square. Gus sat practically bouncing in his seat at the front of the car. He was talking a mile a minute, asking Camila a lengthy list of questions on how the car worked and what each button and pedal did. The rest of the kids sat squashed on the back seat, with Vee snuggled up in the trunk, her head poking out from between the headrests. Willow and Hunter stared out the windows mesmerised. They watched in awe as the overhead traffic lights flickered from red to yellow to green and let out gasps of shock when they saw the faint shape of a plane soaring through the clouds above.

Luz remained quiet, her backpack pulled close to her chest. She could feel Amity staring at her but didn't feel like talking so turned her head and pretended to stare out the window. Just seeing her palisman egg that morning had set off all her emotions and feelings from the previous night. This is how it's going to be now, Luz thought to herself. Anytime she thinks of Eda or King, an overwhelming feeling of guilt will threaten to drown her.

We will get back and they will be okay.

She repeated the words in her head. Like a chant, trying to banish the dark invading thoughts. Her vision went blurry and something cold was running down her cheek. She hastily wiped away the tear. Suddenly she felt a soft weight on her knee. Glancing down, she saw a pale hand gently planted there. Softly stroking the fabric of her worn jeans. Meeting the other girl's eye, she gave her a weak smile.

The rest of the car journey remained silent apart from Gus' odd comments and questions. Amity's hand stayed firmly in place, her eyes never moving from Luz. Once Camila stopped and parked the car everyone scrambled to get out, desperate to stretch. The fresh air helped to loosen the tightening gripping feeling in Luz's chest.

"Okay, so I think we should start with getting you all some new clothes first" Camila stated as the kids huddled in front of her "Then we can go and see if there's anything else you might need." She turned and locked the cars before approaching the large stone white building. Luz swung her backpack over her shoulder and made to follow but noticed the others staying back. Sheepish and worried looks plastered over their faces. Glancing over her shoulder she saw what made them hesitate. Large groups of people were funnelling out of the wide glass doors at the buildings entrance. Even from the opposite end of the parking lot, their boisterous voices and energetic tones reached them. She reached out her hand and offered it to Amity.

"It'll be okay, trust me" She gave a reassuring smile to the violet-haired girl. "But maybe it would be best if you guys hid your ears. Pointed ears aren't common here" She added lightly. Amity chuckled and twirled her finger. Her ears appeared to round themselves instantly. The others followed suit and twirled their fingers, swiftly fixing their ears, Willow assisting Hunter with his. There was a faint pop from behind the car and Vee slid into view, nervously twiddling her fingers. She looked like a carbon copy of Luz.

"I don't think this disguise will work anymore" The basilisk murmured. Luz looked her doppelganger up and down, squinting with concentration. Then her expression lightened and she lets out a hearty laugh. "You can be my mysterious twin!" She babbled, swinging an arm around her friend "I've always dreamed of having one. Just imagine all the pranks we can pull off". This seemed to cheer up the distressed basilisk. Vee let out a soft chuckle. "I guess that would be fun!". And with that, the other demon kids' worries seemed to melt away. Hand in hand with Amity and with one arm linked with Vee, Luz led the others towards the mall's entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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