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"Yes, I know mam!" I shout through the house, wheeling my suitcase through the hallway

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"Yes, I know mam!" I shout through the house, wheeling my suitcase through the hallway.

"Are you sure you have your toothbrush? Cause if you don't-" I cut her off there, embracing her one last final time before I have to get in the taxi.

"I have my toothbrush. Everything will be fine. I'm meeting Min Ho at the airport when I land, but you'll be the first to know." She hums slightly, kissing my cheek before I pull away, wiping away a tear that seems to have escaped her eye. "No tears, remember?"

"I'm not crying, it's just... my hayfever." I laugh, reminding myself just how lucky I was to get adopted by such a wonderful woman. "Now go on, the driver keeps on giving me dirty looks."

I shake my head, throwing one last glance at the apartment before getting in, and shooting Min Ho a quick message.

Setting off now. See you when we get back to Korea.

Within minutes he replies, per usual.

Ok, be safe. Can't wait to see you :)

I smile at the message, turning my phone off as we arrive at Heathrow. I hop out of the taxi and head in, repeating the same process I do every time I fly back home. I've known Min Ho since we were little kids, my mum used to clean for his mum, so whenever I had a day off, but my mam was working, we'd spend the whole day playing together.

Then whole days became less and less as his parent's divorce split his time in two, his mam got jobs around the globe he often traveled with her, that is until he started at KISS. He first started there two or so years ago, and after a year of trying to get a scholarship, I got in too. 

We've spent the last year joined at the hip, something I hope never changes. I missed my best friend dearly, and London just wasn't the same without him.

That's why when I saw him standing there in his KISS uniform, I couldn't help but run up to him and hug him, my legs wrapped around his waist, his face buried within my shoulder. "Missed you, Charlie." I smile and breathe in his comforting smell.

"Missed you too." We stay like that for a couple of minutes before I remember about messaging Mum. "As much as I'm really enjoying this hug, I do need to message Mum."

"Oh yeah, me too." I pull out my phone, slightly confused by his response, which I'm guessing is showing on my face, "Your mum asked me to message her as soon as I see you. She just worries about you."

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "That does sound like something she'd do." We both laugh, sending her a message and a funny photo of the other as proof. "So, you wanna get going?"

He nods all smiley, linking our arms as we drag our stuff toward his car. Well, not his car, his driver's car. I smile politely and say hello to the driver, taking my seat in the back, Min Ho sat right next to me. "How was your break?" He questions.

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now