7 - TIL

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I wake up laid in Min Ho's arms, my head resting on his chest while he fiddles with my hair

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I wake up laid in Min Ho's arms, my head resting on his chest while he fiddles with my hair. I look up and smile.

"아름다운 아침." (Morning beautiful.)

"Hey," I whisper back, my voice slightly croaky. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long." He places a soft kiss on my head, making my lips form a smile. "You're really pretty, even while you sleep." I roll my eyes, spinning onto my front next to him and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

I run a hand through his hair, and we just sit there for god knows how long, just enjoying the other's presence. "We should probably get up." He groans, burying his head in his pillow.

"Can't we just stay here?"

"Nope, now come on, get outta bed."I get out, only doing so with the thought of coffee.

As I grab the milk, Kitty sprints through the room, shouting Q's name. "Q! I have something to tell you." She turns around to see me, "And you! Come on!" 

"Q! Did you drink my collagen water? Or was it you?" He faces Kitty, and I just smile. 

"What? No." Kitty shakes it off as I go back to making my coffee. "Charlie, Q! Come on, this is important!"

Wangja comes over and takes the milk out of my hand, "Let me do it, go gossip." I smile widely, giving his hand a squeeze before sitting down with the both of them.

"Kitty, why are you screaming? It's the middle of the night and I'm still drunk." He buries his face in the pillow while he whines.

"No, it's not. It's 8:00 in the morning." Min Ho adds, only making Q groan. "And thanks to some idiot, my party dynasty has come to an untimely end, so..." He trails off, and I give him a sad smile.

"Can you make me coffee?" Q wines.

"No." He replies, turning around back to my coffee.

"But you're making Charlie coffee." He protests, and he does have a point.

"But that's because he loves her, he doesn't love you Q." Kitty says, causing me to shake my head laughing.

Min Ho rolls his eyes, "Fine, but I will deeply resent you."

"I can live with that."

"Okay, Q, can I ask you something?" 

"Yes, I drank his collagen water." He puts a finger to his lips as he tries to go back to bed, but Kitty interrupts.

"Not that."

"Then no, I'm too tired for your questions. You kept me up all night." My eyebrows raise at that, and Kitty too looks slightly shocked. "I could hear you through the wall."

"I was loud?" I'm getting the sense they're not thinking the same things right now, so I just laugh. "Loud, like loud how? Was I talking in my sleep? Because people say all kinds of crazy stuff in their sleep. Like this one time, I asked LJ to make me a BLT with mayo, but I hate mayo."

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now