LFG - 8

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My eyes managed to open, blinking as the bright light shone through

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My eyes managed to open, blinking as the bright light shone through. I feel somebody's arm under my head, so slowly turning, I'm met with Min Ho's face close to mine.

"모닝 프린세스." (Morning Princess.) He said, and I smiled as he kisses my hand softly.

"여기요." (Hey.) 

It's been two weeks of bliss. Utter perfection. Everybody's been happy - finally. Dae and Kitty are together, Q and Florian are together, and Min Ho and I, well we're better than ever.

Admittedly, it's been much easier since Mum already knows, that way, I don't have to introduce him. It was that way with Noah.

I don't talk to Noah as much now, but every time there's a fight with his parents, or Lia gets upset, I'm more than happy to be there. Just because we ended on bad terms, doesn't mean we can't get along.

We stay like that, curled up close, for the next couple of minutes until my mind is brought to the camping trip. "일어나야 해." (We have to get up.) I groan, really not liking the idea of moving right now.

Min Ho starts to protest, trailing kisses down my jaw in a last-ditch attempt to stop me from moving. I manage to pull the duvet off, standing up and grabbing some clothes from my suitcase.

"내 옷장에 네 물건을 넣지 그래?" (Why don't you put your stuff in my wardrobe?) Min Ho asks, and I almost laugh.

"당신이 거기에 너무 많은 것을 가지고 있기 때문에 나는 아무것도 맞출 수 없을 것입니다." (Because you have so much stuff in there I wouldn't be able to fit anything.)

He rolls his eyes at me before smirking, "나는 방을 만들 수 있었다." (I could make room.) I tilt my head to its side with narrowed eyes. "어서 해봐요! 여기도 당신의 방입니다. 집에서 느끼도록 도와드리겠습니다." (Come on! This is your room too. Let me help you feel at home.)

"Technically, it's Dae's and your room." His arms wrap around my waist as he hums in response, placing small kisses on the side of my neck, eventually resting his head on my shoulder.

"I like that one." He points to a t-shirt he may or may not have gotten me for Christmas.

I hum, grabbing a pair of leggings and some other stuff before walking into the bathroom, leaving Min Ho to get changed. Once I exit the bathroom Q says, "Bus leaves in 20." I nod, going to get my bag out of my room, but my path's blocked by Min Ho and his amass of suitcases.

I chuckle slightly, I knew this was going to happen. "God." Wangja sighs.

"Dude, the class trip is camping. In tents. In nature for two days." Kitty says.

"I know, that's why I packed light." He references the suitcases before kissing my cheek and wheeling the suitcases down the hall and out the door.

Kitty just looks confused, so I add, "Once he came over to mine for the night and brought two suitcases full of different 'just in case' outfits. He was seven." She sniggers, and I just walk into our room to get my bag.

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