4 - TGIF

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Eventually, I got settled into bed before anyone else, meaning I still had no clue who I was sharing with

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Eventually, I got settled into bed before anyone else, meaning I still had no clue who I was sharing with.

Once I woje up, I looked tp my left to seethe bed occupied by Min Ho. I shuffle out of bef, grabbing my fluffy socks and a hoodie to walk around in.

Once I get out into the kitchen, I make myself a coffee as I seemingly can't go five minutes without one. Looking over at the sofa, I spot Q and Dae watching something. "Where's Kitty?" I question, noticing the absence of her usual bounciness.

"Min Ho told Lee about her bunking with us so she got a new dorm." Q says as casually as possible while I study Dae's depressed looking face.

"Min Ho, te mataré. Lo juro, siempre soy la única chica, y pensar que estaba emocionado por tener una amiga con la que podría vivir..."  I mumble under my breath, picking up a magazine and rolling it into my very own wacky stick.

Walking in, I can't help but notice him sleeping. How his hair falls weirdly perfect, even in his sleep. How his lips part slightly. How his chest moves up and down, following the rhythm of my breathing.

Not for long though, as I soon come back to my senses and wack him over the head with the magazine. He instantly sits up and looks around, sending me a slightly confused look.

"Really, Lee?" I question, causing him to wrap a pillow around his ears and flop back down on the bed. "You have class in half an hour," I say, a small smirk playing at the side of my mouth.

It's actually Friday, meaning neither of us has classes until midday, but he doesn't need to know that. I'm soon shooed out of the room and end up sitting on the sofa watching Little Women. We get around two minutes when Min Ho bursts through the door, bags in hand, but he just looks confused when he looks at all of us.

"What are you all doi-" Realization spreads across his face as he looks at the calendar hanging on the wall.

"That's for reporting Kitty," I say and he just goes and angrily eats a banana. "We don't have class till tomorrow." I chuckle slightly at the face he's making.

Wangja soon skulks off to his room, returning soon with a massive dressing gown and fluffy socks that I'm 99% sure are the ones I got him for his birthday.

"So, what are we watching?" He questions, plopping down next to me.

At some point, his head lands on my shoulder and mine rests on his head. I soon see a flash, making me wince and hide my eyes in his hair.

"Sorry, forgot I left the flash on." I look at Q confused. "You two just looked so cute!"

I narrow my eyes looking at the picture, we did look cute. I push the camera away, trying to distract myself from that funny feeling in my stomach.

I notice Min Ho stiffen a little and lift his head off my shoulder. We watch for another five minutes, Wangja wriggling and fidgeting the whole time before he stands up and just walks off.

I look to Q and Dae who shake their heads at me. "You are so clueless sometimes." Q says, earning a nudge from Dae.

"What do you mean?" They both keep quiet, causing me to shake my head and wander to the library seeing's s my room is also Min Ho's room.

Over the weekend, I start to get the sense he was ignoring me, meaning I ignore him. We tend to go through these patches where we get pissed at each other, then ignore each other for a while.

I just normally know what I've done. But this time, it's like fucking Sherlock Holmes.

I spend a lot of time with Kitty as Q and Min Ho are always together, and Dae's always with Yuri.

She has a weird roommate too, so the both of us are sleeping in the library as I don't exactly want to sleep in the same room as Min Ho, and she actually wants to sleep.

When it gets to Monday, we're both fairly sleep deprived as they only let me get one cup of coffee in the library and the cafeteria thinks coffee gonna kill us.

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now