6 - BYOB

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I wake up, the sun shining through the blinds as I stretch out, only now noticing Charlie missing from my bed where she fell asleep last night.

Walking out into the kitchen, I find her taking a sip of orange juice, a small piece of her hair straying and sitting in front of her eye. I watch as she blows it out of the way, but it just returns to that exact spot. 

I help her out, by moving it for her, just being this close to her makes my heart go mad. I place a gentle kiss on the top of her head as I pick up my face mister.

"God, wangja, please put a shirt on while I'm eating." I listen to her voice, her using our nicknames only makes my heart beat faster, and my insides feel scrambled as if I could collapse to the ground at any given moment.

"Hey, it's not my fault you can't handle all this." I gesture up and down my body, as I close my eyes, trying to stop myself from picking her up and kissing her, telling her just how much I love her, right here, right now.

I open my eyes to find her standing so close I can feel her breath on my chest. "You're right." She says, and I temporarily forget how to breathe. "I can't handle it."

I turn off the face mister, staring into her honey-colored eyes. Pools of copper contrast the dull warm patches. I temporarily get lost in the depths of her eyes, but soon enough, she takes the mister out of my hand and throws it across the room, moving some hair as she stands on her tiptoes, leaning into my shoulder. 

Her voice comes out a hoarse whisper, "You're too bloody hot." I look down at her, feeling myself crumble from that look she has in her eyes.

The same look she has in her eyes when she's set on doing something, and nothing will ever stop her. Her lips tug upwards into a smile and I feel a smile of my own forming.

Her arms wrap around my neck as she jumps on my waist, my hands landing on her things as I support her weight. My eyes are wide and full of amazement. I love this girl.

She moves a piece of hair out of her face before one hand starts to gently tug on some hair. "Oh, my..." Her finger goes to my lips and I gently place a kiss on it, but her eyes still stay glued to my lips. She leans in and our lips move in the sink, my tongue slipping into her mouth. 

I walk over and put her down on top of the counter, my hands instantly wrapping around her face. We have to break away so I can catch my breath, but when I lean back in, she leans back biting her lip, making me frown. 

"Dae, Kitty, Q?!" She shouts, and with no response, she grins and we continue kissing, eventually, I place soft kisses down her jawline, then soon all down her neck. She wraps her legs as I carry her into my room, slamming the door behind us.


We're wrapped up in my duvet, I gently stroke her soft hair, placing kisses on her face any chance I get. I kiss her hand, causing her to giggle, which just makes me smile; smile that I can make her happy.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," I grumble, her body pressed up against mine.

"Me too." She says, still smiling, rubbing circles on my back. "That was amazing by the way."

"It sure was." I kiss her head again before once again getting lost in her eyes. "I love you," I say, slightly hesitantly. I've wanted to say this since I was at least six years old, and it makes me happy to see how her eyes light up.




I groan, wriggling hearing Min Ho's alarm go off. I roll over so now I'm mostly on top of him, but I'm soon almost shoved off when he wakes up, sweating like he just ran a marathon.

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now