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So, I'm still here

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So, I'm still here.

Here being KISS. I was ready to go back, I'd booked flights. I actually got to the airport, but Mum called me just as I was about to go, and somehow managed to convince me to stay.

There are only a couple of days left, so I'm staying till the end of the term, then I'm thinking I might just stay in London.

Sure, I'll miss everybody here, but London's my home, and as much as I came here for education and stuff, I also came here for my best friend.

And now, well, I don't know if he's even my friend. We don't talk, we avoid each other like the plague. In fact, I haven't really talked to any of them. Q, Dae, and even Kitty. 

Min Ho's tried to talk to me a few times, but when I was on the phone with Mum, she told me that he knew what was going on with Lia and Noah. He should've given me a chance to explain, not just screamed, and in no way shape, or form is it okay for everything to go back to how it was just because he got reassurance that I was helping somebody and not being cruel or selfish. He doesn't get to scream and then expect everything to be okay again, especially when he didn't believe me in the first place.

In the meantime, I've got a cheap Premier Inn-style place within walking distance from KISS. The only problem is my suitcase and therefore all my clothes are back in the dorm. I've actually kinda missed Q, Kitty, and I's coffee walks, but I'll get over it.

Instead, I've made friends with Amalia, a thirty-six-year-old Portuguese woman who is here on holiday with her parents who are staying across the hall. You tend to learn a lot about people when you're bored.

As I get out of the shower, my phone pings. I've got a specific text and ringtone for Min Ho, so I know it isn't him. I pick it up and scroll through the millions of messages Kitty has sent me. I ignore the rest, except for the most recent one.

Please come and help me study.
Gonna fail if I don't get some help. 
Please please 
please please please come!
You could get your stuff back at the same time?
Where are you staying anyway?
Min Ho has been asking?
Shit, I wasn't supposed to say that.
Just please come? 😁

I look over the messages and quickly come to the conclusion that just because I'm leaving doesn't mean Kitty should have to too.

Yeah, sure I'll come.
I'll be there in an hour.

Switching off my phone, I quickly throw on the same T-shirt I've been wearing for two days now. Thankfully, the shop downstairs had some essentials like pants, bras, socks, deodorant, etcetera.

On my way out, I wave to Amalia and her parents before walking to campus. I start climbing the stairs, but when I get to the door, I suddenly don't know what to do.

Do I knock? But I used to live here. Do I just go in? But I don't live here anymore. Do I message Kitty? She might not have her phone on her.

I eventually settle on knocking, figuring it was the politest way to go. Kitty answers the door looking slightly confused. "Hey!" She hugs me, but I just stand there, not knowing what to do. "You know you don't have to knock." She adds as she leads me inside.

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