10 - OTP

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We stand in front of each other, just happy

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We stand in front of each other, just happy.

Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy.

His hands rest on my shoulders as we both just stare hopelessly at each other. I take him all in, his eyes, his nose, that perfect little smile that kinda seems like a smirk unless you know him well enough to tell it's a smile.

I know him well enough and thank the lord I do. I hate to admit it, but I do, I love him with all my heart. 

Suddenly, he gets a notification causing both our stares to lower. I spot a pink bush growing on his cheeks as he flicks his eyes from mine to the phone in his pocket.

I offer a small smile as he looks down to check the notification. "It's mum." He states, smiling at the message. "She asked how you did?" I open my mouth to reply when Dae bursts into the room, causing me to jump slightly.

Dae grabs hold of Min Ho, pushing him against the wall as I look at the situation half concerned half amused. 

"너 자신을 내 친구라고 부르니?" (You call yourself my friend?) I look confused, matching MIn Ho. We share a glance before both our focuses go back to Dae.

"무슨 얘기를 하는 건가요?" (What are you talking about?) Min Ho fires back, and my brows furrow slightly. 

"모른 척 하지마!" (Don't pretend like you don't know!) 

"뭐하세요? 가자." (What are you doing? Let go.)

Kitty runs in, and I open my mouth to ask what's going on, mind running a million miles per hour.

"Dae, stop. Stop it, it's not Min Ho." I give them all a funny look. What's not Min Ho? "This is nothing to do with him."

Min Ho brushes himself off before sliding away from the wall and linking his hand with mine.  A small smile appears on my face as I grin at him.

"미안해 둘이서..." (Sorry, I thought you two...) My mind clicks and my gaze shifts to Kitty who mouths Yuri, instantly setting aside any doubts in my mind.

"그리고 둘이 펜팔로 지내는 게 더 나았던 것 같아요. 깊은 곳에서 그녀도 그렇게 생각할 것입니다." (And I think you two were better off as pen pals. Deep down, she probably thinks so too.)

Min Ho squeezes my hand as we keep on walking, now blocking out Kitty and Dae. We walk in silence, our hands swinging as the cold air hits us both. Eventually, he pauses, and our arms stretch out and he pulls me back into him.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle, once again looking up into his eyes.

"Just staring at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I roll my eyes, (Here to make @__hyacinth rich) and laugh as I fall deeper into his arms, my head now on his chest. "I love you gonjunim."

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now