2 - WTF

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I find Kitty in the hallway and run to her side

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I find Kitty in the hallway and run to her side. "Hey." I take one look at her tear-stained face and sigh, pulling her in for a hug. "He doesn't deserve your tears."

Suddenly, there are footsteps behind us and Kitty shouts, "Dae, I don't want to talk to you. Just leave me alone!" I run her back, turning around prepared to shoot him dirty looks, instead being met by, well I don't know who.

"Sorry. I'm just looking for the loo." I give him a half smile, my arm still wrapped protectively round Kitty. "I'm Alex Finnerty, from Melbourne, Australia. I'm a new teacher here this year." He seems nice enough, and I open my mouth to introduce myself, but Kitty beats me to it.

"Why aren't you Dae?" I sigh, watching the dogs turn in her mind.

"I'm so sorry honey," I whisper, I've never been the best at comforting people.

"You mean the guy you don't want to talk to?" I try to signal for him to stop, and he seemingly understands, doing the zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket thing.

Kitty stands there shell-shocked. "Do you want me to get you anything?" He asks, but she still stays glued to her spot.

"You're American right?"

"Yeah." She mutters, I can tell she isn't really listening to this conversation.

"I really admire you guys over there. You do a lot of cool stuff, but you're also very loud." I nod, trying to make this less awkward than it has to be.

"What?" She snaps back into focus.

"I've just noticed Americans speak louder than everyone else." He fiddles with his hands, and I give him a, how do you even describe it? The smile you give someone when you're sat next to them, but don't know them, or the one you give that dude who smokes weed outside your apartment. The British smile I guess would be the only way to describe it.

"Forget everything that's just happened." Her tone changes, along with her posture, "I am going back in there and I am not leaving without answers."

She walks off, and I'm left with Alex, before quickly walking off too. "Charlie Lees by the way!" I shout, now running to keep up with the speed-walking Kitty.

I see her going over and talking to Min Ho and Q, causing me to run over. "Wangja, if you make another weird joke, I will murder you in your sleep." I threaten, catching the end of some weird Pokémon joke.

He holds his hands up in defense as Kitty gives me a not-very-convincing smile. "Get over yourself." She shoots Min Ho a look, causing me to bite my cheeks in order to hold back laughter. "I'm looking for Dae."

"Okay, who are you?"

"I'm Kitty Song Covey."

Both of them open their jaws in shock. "You're Kitty?" Q asks, sounding more than shocked. They both look her up and down, as she stares at them confused.

I chuckle watching the two of them realize it's Dae's Kitty. "Wait, are you Q?" She questions, watching her put it all together. "Track star, fellow American, heart of gold?"

"Guilty as charged. I feel like we should hug right now. Should we hug?" I can feel his excitement radiate from him.

"Maybe later. I need to find Dae." Q looks over to me and I sigh, bringing him in for a hug. You don't turn down a Q hug.

"So you're the pen pal?" Wangja scoffs, briefly looking her up and down.

"If he's Q, then you must be Min Ho. Of course, you are." She then turns to me, "Oh my god, how didn't I realize, if they're, them. You must be Charlie Charlie, relationship guru to our relationship."

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now