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I'm awoken from my sleep by screaming

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I'm awoken from my sleep by screaming.

I slowly open my eyes to see Q screaming his fucking head off. "What, what? Calm down!" I shout, causing his eyes to narrow probably trying to recognise me.


"Ding ding ding. What do you need? The old cones are in that corner, the bibs are over there-"

"I don't need anything, I found this," He holds up one of those foam javelins, "lying about on the field, so I came to put it back. What are you doing in here?"

"I mean, currently, talking to you." I scrunch my nose while he throws the javelin at me. "Ay! What was that for?"

"What are you actually doing in here?"

"Well, I was trying to sleep, but then you very rudely woke me up." I gesture to my suitcase which I'd thrown a blanket over to make a pillow.

"One second, you're living here? I thought you'd got a new roommate, Min Ho's been going mad trying to find you." I hum in response to that.

Nobody's been going crazy looking for me, cause nobody cares. Why would they?

"Right, you're coming with me. No one could care less about if you're talking to Noah anymore. We're just worried about you.

He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the shed, so now I'm standing in the middle of the field in shorts and a vest top. "Q, if you want to take me somewhere, could we hurry? You can kinda see my tits through this.

I cross my arms over my chest as Q pulls out my suitcase with one hand and grabs my hand with the other, pulling it as we run towards his dorm.

"Now, no arguments, you're staying here." I open my mouth, but he stops me instantly, "What did I literally just say? No arguments!"

I can't help but smile at his ridiculous speech. I sigh as he opens the door.

As soon as I look in, I see Daw and Kitty staring at each other, but Dae looks down at his phone.

How are they even living here, together, if they can't speak to each other? I just shake my head and go grab a banana out of the basket and eat it while rummaging their fridge for those yogurt drinks Kitty buys by the dozen.

I spin around to see the two of them looking at me confused. "Erm... your eyes ok over there?"

"Charlie?" They both say before shooting questions at me. I turn away, deciding I'll answer their inevitable questions later, instead directing my attention to my one true love.

"Oh coffee machine, how I've missed you." I get the coffee ready and I hear Q's laugh behind me before exposing how he found me in a shed.

When I turn around once again, I'm met with Kitty and Daw stood across different sides of the room.

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