10.5 - FOMO

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The plane lands after what I can only describe as a very comfortable journey, well almost, there was a kid kicking on the back of wangja's chair so if I ever had my head on his shoulder, it'd be like we were driving over a bloody bumpy road

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The plane lands after what I can only describe as a very comfortable journey, well almost, there was a kid kicking on the back of wangja's chair so if I ever had my head on his shoulder, it'd be like we were driving over a bloody bumpy road.

But, getting through security was a breeze for once, and I think I was still in some sort of a trance from Min Ho joining me. We stopped at Costa to grab a coffee, then called a taxi since mam had a job today.

We both get in the back, and I think I ended up falling asleep on Min Ho for the rest of the way back. I only wake up once it turns the corner near the flat. As soon as I wake up, I smile, seeing the kids I've grown up with surrounding the car curiously.

I get out and am immediately met with a flurry of hugs. The adults stand to stand back with their fags until the younger ones have gotten their hugs out the way. "Char!" I hear somebody shout, and turning around, I see Noah running full force, Li running close behind. "I'm so glad you're back." He whispers while his head rests on my shoulder.

Li soon runs and hugs my legs from behind. I pull away from Noah, spinning around to bend down to Li's height. "Hey Lili." She hangs onto my shoulders as I put her on my shoulders. I glance back at minny to se him kinda looking around, slightly in awe. "What?" I question, everybody's attention now on him.

"I don't know if I've ever seen you so social." I roll my eyes and laugh, realising none of the kids actually know him, and mist the adults only know of him.

"Hey, guys, so this is Min Ho."

"You're boyfriend?" Li shouts in my ear, and I wince, nodding my head. A few of the older ones go and start a conversation with him, so I hang around with the little ones, letting them all catch me up. From what I've gathered, Jack lost a tooth, Ruby tried lemonade for the first time, Mia read a proper chapter book, and Dan watched some new kids movie for his birthday. Noah just stands there, encouraging the kids to say their piece before they had to go for their teas.

Eventually, I'm able to tear myself away from them, saying hi to some of the adults. Soon enough, everybody starts heading back in, and I realise I kinda left wangja on his own. I walk over to where he's stood, some of the younger kids now pestering him, including Li which could only end badly.

"So have you married her?" I laugh at her question as I mess up her hair while walking past.

"Nope, now go in for your tea, I'll talk to you later." Noah mouths a thank you and I just smile and nod, waving them off while I walk towards the flat with Min Ho. "Sorry I kinda ditched you."

"It's fine, got to learn some pretty interesting stuff. Didn't realise you were like a celebrity around here." He smiles, our hands swinging as we walk up the stairs.

"Well, I'm probably the only older one who still comes and visits, I helped raise a few of these kids and they're all like family I guess." I pause when we reach my door, and I pick up the fake rock, taking the spare key out. "Welcome to my flat." I say as I shove open the door, it's always been a little dodgy.

I grimace at the horrendous school photos of me in that horrendous blazer. "Aww, look at you all smart." I snigger slightly.

"That school was anything but smart, trust me." I walk further into the flat, placing my travel bag down on the ground next to a cabinet. "Just put your stuff down wherever, I'll get started on tea." He stands there slightly awkward, so I take his suitcase and put it in my room, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him onto the sofa, chucking the remote in his direction. "We've got a dodgy stick, so just search for anything and it'll probably come up."

I go back into the kitchen, grabbing a mac n cheese tin and putting that on the hob. I hear a knock on the door. I nod to Min Ho while opening the door, half expecting mum.

"Hey love, heard you're back, wondering if you waated some-"

"No Johnny. I don't wanna buy from you."

"Really, it's quality shit this is, you'll like it. Look, I'll give you a bit for free if you-"

"Johnny, go 'ome and get a proper job. You know this ain't gonna end well for anybody."

"Fine." He sighs defeatedly before smiling at me. "I 'ave missed ya though."

"Yeah yeah, go 'ome, your grandad'll be worryin y'know." He gives me a peck on the cheek before happily walking off.

 I shut the door, turning back to see Min Ho watching me curiously. "Who was that?"

"Oh, it was just Johnny." He quirks an eyebrow and I laugh a little, going back t stir the mac n cheese. "Tried to sell me weed."

"He what?" Min Ho asks, and I just laugh again.

"Yeah, he's our very own dealer. Good guy though in all fairness, just trying to support 'is grandad to be 'onest."

"Right." Min Ho mutters, standing up and hugging me from behind placing a kiss on my cheek. "So, do you have a thing for being called love or am I missing something?"

"Ah, sometimes I forget you come from a posher part to us, but I still thought people would call each other love." I feel his head start to shake. "It's just what people call each other round 'ere. Babes, love, darlin. It's just what 'appens." He hums, kissing a little bit of my neck.

The door slams shut, and Min Ho jumps back while I shout, "Hola mamá!"

"¡Ay, Charly! Hola cariño. ¿Cómo estuvo tu vuelo?" (Ah, Charlie! Hello darling. How was your flight?)

"Estuvo bien. Aunque puede que tenga una sorpresa para ti." (It was ok. I may have a surprise for you though.) I glance back to Min Ho who kisses my forehead before mum comes in.

"¿Supongo que soy la sorpresa?" (I'm guessing I'm the surprise?)  MIn says, and I laugh while mum practically looses her shit.

"Min Ho? What are you doing here?! Did you just speak Spanish?! Did he just speak Spanish?" She turns to me before hugging him tightly.

"He estado tomando lecciones." (I've been taking lessons) He says proudly.

We spend the rest of the night all chatting about school, work, everything in life. We all eat mac n cheese on toast, a delicacy in my opinion.

Everything is just good, it's just happy. I like it this way.

This will be the end of Lover... for now.
Season Two of XO Kitty is on it's way, and so is a new book. 
I'm going to start on a new book as soon as possible, again XO Kitty, with @__hyacinth and I'm so excited.
I hope to see you all soon.
Thank you for all being so amazing, and all your comments, you're honesty brilliant and I love you all so much. 

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