3 - KISS

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After the whole Dae on TV thing, I realized I'd need to get my uniform at some point

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After the whole Dae on TV thing, I realized I'd need to get my uniform at some point. Groaning at the thought of having to encounter my roommate again, I stand up, grab my keys and walk out, letting them know where I'd be.

"But, what if they're... doing it?" Min Ho questions, his face crinkling in disgust.

"Then, I'll just have to try and shield my eyes." His face bears a look of disapproval to which I just shake my head. "I need my uniform, it's not exactly like I can just wear your stuff all day. I can't even pretend to be sick since it's literally the first day." 

After this, Min Ho seems to have shut up, so I walk out, only to find him following me. "What are you doing Wangja?"

"If you get scarred for life so do I." I roll my eyes at the pact we made when we were seven.

"Does that really still apply, it's been nine years?"

"Absolutely, and I'll be remembering this when I have to have somebody keep a lookout when I bury a body."


We spend the next couple of minutes in comfortable silence, walking towards my dorm. Yet again, I can hear them, but this time, slightly less loudly.

"It was worse earlier," I add after seeing Min Ho's slightly scared-looking face. "You gonna wait out here?"

"No, no it's fine." We knock, but with little avail, only the quietening of my very loud roommate. Once opening the door, I do a quick skeg and figure out they're thankfully in the bathroom.

I go to open my suitcase, but instead, he just grabs it and runs. "What are you doing?" I question as he stands outside.

"I wasn't about to let you or your stuff stay in there, if stalker got to stay with us for a night, you'll make it a tad more bearable." I knock into him lightly, and him copying.

It ends with both of us bashing into walls, and I'm sure many bruises will adorn my arms in the coming few days.

Once we reach his dorm, he grabs my hand, making something inside me twitch a little. When we get in, I notice Kitty still sitting on the sofa. 

Min Ho seemingly also realizes this and instantly stops in his tracks. "What are you doing here?"

"Kitty, you're still here," Dae adds.

"Yes, she is."Wangja adds, a tone of 'royally pissed off' in his voice. "I'm going to call Campus Police and have her forcefully removed." He adds, but I snatch the phone out of his hand, giving him, the look.

"Dae, we need to talk. Now." She storms off, Dae on her tail as they shut the door behind them. I take this chance to quickly change and throw my hair up in a slightly messy ponytail.

Heading back out, I see Q and Min Ho waiting impatiently by their door. "Are they still not done?" With no response, I bang on the door, it slides open. 

Lover // Min Ho XO KittyWhere stories live. Discover now