Chapter 21

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 Alfred leaned against the wall outside of (y/n)'s room, taking out his phone and opening up his conversation with Arthur.  "She seemed okay but then she went and layed on her bed and stared at the ceiling..."  He said."At least she didn't kill you..." Arthur responded a few minutes later. Alfred sighed loudly. "What am i supposed to do???"

"What makes you think I know? I only had her like 3 days!"

"I'm just going to google it or something." The american said, opening Google and searching,"how to cheer up a sad teenager". Nothing related to his situation came up, and he sighed again. He decided to just let you do your thing until you felt better. You're 14, after all. You'll get over it.Alfred went back into the living room and flipped through the channels. He settled back into the couch as a new episode of Doctor Who started, the theme blaring quietly.


 You rolled back to stare at the ceiling after Alfred left. Dammit, (y/n). You were being such a bratty idiot! Alfred probably hates you now or something. Uhg. You put took out your phone and flipped through Instagram for a while, posting a few pictures on your fan account. After that, you just stared at the ceiling and hoped Alfred wouldn't be too angry with you. 

  After a while of zoning out, a familiar tune snapped you back to reality. The music-box sound made you sit up abruptly and cock an ear. It floated through your head and brought a smile to your face. You could identify this song if you were in a coma.

Turkey in the Straw.

It was the ice cream truck.

  You jumped off the bed without a second thought, grabbing your purse sitting by the door before racing out into the hallway without bothering to put on your shoes. Alfred was sitting on the couch watching t.v. until his head snapped up as you ran by.

 "(y/n)? What's happening?" He said, getting up as you opened the front door. "Where are you going!?"

  As you gently closed the door behind you, the music flooded his ear sockets. His eyes grew wider and he ran into the kitchen to get his wallet. When he threw open the door, you were already halfway down the street and not stopping. "(y/n)! wait up dude!" He yelled as he sprinted after you. The music was getting louder as he gained on you, and as you turned sharply onto the next street the white truck came into view.  You laughed as you slowed down, Alfred panting as he ran up beside you.

  "Man, you run fast." He said as you two slowed to a walk. You smiled at him, getting in line behind the other kids. "Sorry for taking off like that...." you said quietly. Alfred laughed. "It's all good. Ice cream is a perfectly good reason to run away spontaneously." You couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, so you chose to ignore it and order your ice cream. Once the man handed you the (favorite flavor) popsicle, you quietly paid him and waited for Alfred off the the side. He joined you after a moment, and you set off silently for his house as you licked your ice cream contently.

  Once you walked in the door, you followed the American to the kitchen and finished up your popsicle. After you threw the wrapper away, you were about to walk into the living room when the front door burst open. You peeked around the corner to find a man with messy brown hair, his back to you as he locked the front door. Alfred came up behind you, his eyes widening as he said, "Uh, Feliciano... What are you doing?"

  The man known as Feliciano turned around, a look of panic on his face. You noticed an interesting curl sticking out of the side of his head that was longer than the rest of his hair. Sweat matted his hair to his head and made his t-shirt stick to his skinny frame. "I ran away from Ludwig during training and he's going to get me!" Feliciano said, "I need to hide..." 

  He ran past you two and into the kitchen, where he crawled under the counter and curled into a ball. Alfred walked past you and peeked under the table curiously. "Why did you run away?" The American asked as you wandered up into the kitchen doorway to stay out of the way. This stranger seemed kind of scary, to say the least. You just hoped Ludwig wouldn't show up too. He didn't seem like he'd be all that nice when he's mad.

  "Because training is hard and I don't like it!" Feliciano exclaimed. Alfred laughed. "Well, you locked the door, so you don't have to stay under the table. Are you hungry?" He asked. Feliciano crawled out from under the table and stood up slowly, dusting himself off. "I'm always hungry!" He said, walking past Alfred to the cupboards that lined the kitchen. You stayed perfectly still, hoping he wouldn't notice your presence. The Italian man opened each cupboard and scanned them quickly. He quickly made his way through the kitchen until he was by the doorway, still scanning the contents of Alfred's kitchen. 

   As he opened the cupboard right next to you, you silently slinked around the corner and dissapeared. Feliciano noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and he abruptly shut the cupboard he was browsing and peeked around the corner you had tried to escape around.

"Who are you?" He asked. You froze halfway down the hallway, turning around slowly. Feliciano was looking at you curiously with hazel eyes. Alfred walked up past him and laughed. "Oh, that's (y/n)." The American said, "She's Arthur's kid, and shes staying with me while he's in Russia."

  "Arthur has a kid?" The Italian asked, walking slowly toward you. You held your breath and stood perfectly still. "Uh, yeah. He adopted her or something. She doesn't say much..." Alfred said, smiling at you. You looked at Feliciano, who was walking in a circle around you. "Oh." He said, coming back around to face you, "I'm Feliciano!" He exclaimed. "H-Hi..." You said quietly. Feliciano smiled and poked your cheek. "Uh..." you mumbled as he repeatedly poked you. 

  "She's adorable!" Feliciano said. You stiffened a little. What was it with weird adult men finding you cute? It was honestly kind of creepy. Alfred laughed. "He's not as weird as he seems, I promise (y/n)." He said. Feliciano was still poking your cheek as you stood stiffly in the middle of the hall when the doorbell rang.

  The italian jumped 3 feet in the air, letting out a yelp at the sound. You turned around and watched Alfred walk over to the door and opened it about an inch."Oh, hi Ludwig." You heard, and Feli covered his mouth and ducked behind you.

    A thick German accent could be heard outside "Hallo. Ist Feli here? He ran avay during training..."

Hey guys! i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the long wait, but ya know, real life. I have church camp from Wensday to Saturday, so it might be a while before the next update. I'll try to give you guys at least one more chapter before i go though, okay? and if not i'll do most of one so i can finish it the day i get back.

By the way, the first chapter of my BTTxReader is up! please check it out!

 Be sure to comment and vote! You know i love you guys! Asta la Pasta~



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