Chapter 19

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*brief note* this chapter may be a trigger for anyone with a history of self harm. I'll have a non descriptive summary of this chapter at the end for those who may not feel comfortable reading this.

  After a while of your adorable snuggling, Toni sighed and squirmed a little. "I have to get up," he said, looking around at Francis and Gilbert. "Who wants her?"

  "It's my turn!" Francis said, walking over and sitting on the other side of you. Antonio nodded and gently grabbed your hands in an attempt to get you off of without waking you up. After a moment, he pried your loose arms off of him and slowly began to lift them toward Francis. Toni glanced at the underside of your arms for a moment before looking back, alarmed. Francis noticed this and tilted his head slightly. "What?" he said, concerned at Toni's reaction. The Spaniard looked at him and sighed, his mouth set in a grim line.  Gilbert looked over from the T.V. "Dude, vhat's vrong?" the silver haired man said, narrowing his eyes and walking over. Toni slowly tilted your wrists until the paler undersides were facing up.

  Thin scars littered your forearms, running horizontally in various lengths. Some were faint lines while others were freshly scabbed over. 

   Gilbert and Francis covered their mouths with their hands and gasped.  "Some of these look recent..." Antonio said quietly. "Do jou think vhe should tell Arthur?" Gill said, in a voice barely above a whisper. Francis shook his head, his eyes not leaving your arms. "This isn't something we need to point out to anybody, especially Arthur. You know how upset this would make him... If you think some of these are recent, then we need to ask her ourselves." He said.  

"How are vhe even supposed to start zhat conversation!?" Gilbert asked, throwing his arms up in the air. Toni nodded. "I think we should only tell Arthur if they are extremely recent." He said. The others nodded. "We are also not going to tell anyone BUT Arthur, if we even tell him. There's a reason not everyone knows about this." The Spaniard continued. Francis nodded. "Yes, we need to keep this between us." 

  Antonio smiled a tiny bit as he set your still limp arms on Francis's shoulders. "Here," He said as he adjusted your blanket, "You said it was your turn." As if on cue, your put your head on the Frenchman's shoulder and snuggled into him, still fast asleep. Toni got up and stretched as he walked to the kitchen. Gilbert sat back down in his chair, his elbows on his knees as he looked at you with pity. "I didn't know she was like that " he said quietly. Francis nodded and looked down at you. "Alfred and Arthur didn't say where she came from, and I guess this is why..." He said, putting a hand on your back as you slept.

  Antonio returned holding a glass of water. He sat down in his previous spot and sipped his drink, watching the episode of Parks and Recreation that had played through their discovery. The room was thick with silence.

~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by Leslie Knope~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    You were jolted into consciousness by faint laughter. "Where the hell am I?" you thought, opening one eye. Your other eye shot open as you saw blue ones staring back at you. "Hey," Francis smiled, "you were out for a while." You suddenly noticed that his arm was resting on your back. 

Wait a second. 

Your arms were around his neck.

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