Chapter 33

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 You stumbled down the hallway blindly, hands brushing the wall to guide you through the darkness. Once you reached the bathroom you promptly vomited into the toilet. "God fucking damn it." You hissed at the pain in your stomach. It had gotten worse. 

"I heard swearing. What's wrong?" A voice came from behind you. "Are you still sick?"

  You turned around to find a sleepy Arthur in the doorway. He had on his favorite flannel pajama pants and a plain t shirt. "I'm fine." You said quietly, wincing at the pain that pulsed in your stomach. Your dad put a gentle hand on your forehead and swore to himself. "It's been 3 days. That's it, you're going to the hospital." He stated, reaching out a hand to help you up. "I promise, I'm okay." You replied, not moving. "Sure you are. C'mon." He sighed as you got up without assistance.

  You followed him down the hall, stopping only to grab your purse, phone, and phone charger. Arthur helped you down the stairs and into the car without a word. When you got into the car, he started the car and yawned loudly. "I'm sorry..." You muttered, clutching your stomach. "Stop apologizing," He said gently, "It's my job to take care of you."

  The hospital wasn't far. Arthur pulled into the closest parking space available and got out quickly. You got out slower than him, clutching your stomach and sighing in pain. This was the most you had moved in the last couple days and everything hurt. "It'll be okay," Arthur urged, wrapping a gentle arm around your shoulders, "We're almost there."

  He helped you sit down and jogged to the counter to check you in. It seemed like an eternity, but when he came back it was with a nurse wielding a wheelchair. Together they sat you in it and wheeled you through the doors with the bright red, "Emergency Room" letters on the top. "Stay awake, please." The nurse said gently when she saw your head nodding. You perked up with droopy eyes and turned your head to look at her and Arthur as they wheeled you down the hall. 

 Arthur, for the first time you knew of, looked truly scared.


 Your appendix had burst.

"Nice." You muttered to yourself as you layed on the hospital bed. "Why the hell didn't you tell me it hurt that bad!?" Arthur exclaimed, his voice shaking while he paced the empty room. "I've had cramps worse, honestly." You replied bitterly. If it seemed possible, your dad's eyes widened even more. "Jesus fuck, (y/n)." He said quietly. "That's not a very sunglasses emoji thing to say, dad." You smirked. "Is now really the time? You know what, I don't even care. You have to have surgery soon." Arthur stated, sitting down and putting a hand on his head. "I'm sorry..." You said quietly, frowning.

  "Stop apologizing. This isn't your fault, (y/n). Just-"

 "Miss (last name), We're ready for you." A nurse said from the doorway. "Oh, sweet." You replied sarcastically, "See you on the flip side, dad. Don't have too much fun." You smiled weakly as you were wheeled out of the plain room. "B-Bye..." Arthur said quietly as the door shut. He took out his phone with a shaky hand and called his brother Matthew.

"Arthur, it is 4am." A sleepy voice said over the phone. "I know. I, uh, took (y/n) to the hospital because she got worse." Arthur said quietly. "Oh my god, is she okay!?" Matthew's considerably more awake voice said. "Her appendix burst, but apparently it didn't hurt bad enough for her to tell me her stomach hurt." Arthur replied, annoyed. "How the fu- You know what, never mind. You want me to cover for you at work?"

  "Yeah. I'll call Al too. She's in surgery right now to get it removed." Arthur stated. "Surgery!? Fuck it, i'm coming in the next hour." Matthew exclaimed, "Francis can cover for me or something. You're at (random hospital-y name), right?" 

"Yes, but you really don't have t-" Arthur began, but was cut off by Matt hanging up the phone. He sighed and found Alfred's contact. The American picked up almost immediately. "Yo, Iggy." He said, sounding sleepy, "What's up?"

"Could you cover for me at work? I can't come in today." Arthur began with a sigh. "Sure. Why? You sick again?" Alfred asked. "No, it's (y/n). She's, uh, in the hospital..."

"i'm coMING RIGHT NOW." Alfred yelled into the phone. "No, no. Matt is already coming and she doesn't need a crowded room when she wakes up from surgery." Arthur said quickly. "SURGERY? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO (y/n) ARTHUR." Alfred screamed. "Her appendix burst. She'll be fine, Al. You can see her later." Arthur said, trying to calm down his brother, "She loves "Uncle Al", seriously. She'll love to see you when she's more awake, okay?"

"U-Uncle Al? She calls me that?" Alfred stammered out in a quiet voice. "Yeah. Matthew is 'Uncle Matt'. She freaking loves you guys." Arthur smiled. "Oh my god..." Alfred nearly whispered.

"You can see her after you get off work. Promise." Arthur said. "O-Okay.." Alfred said, hanging up. Arthur sighed and stared out the dark window. He had a while to wait.


Matthew raced into the hospital, looking wildly around for his brother. Arthur was sitting near the back wall of the waiting room. "Arthur!" He exclaimed as he ran to the Brit, who looked up and smiled tiredly. "Hey, Matt." He sighed, hugging his sibling. Matthew sat him back down and plopped down beside him. "I got coffee for you." He smiled, handing the steaming foam cup to Arthur. Arthur took it gratefully and sipped it. "Thank you..." He said, "She should be out soon."


 "Look, she's moving!"

  You opened your eyes slowly, your vision still blurry from being asleep for so long. Two fuzzy shapes were near the edge of your bed. When you blinked a few times they slowly shifted into focus. "Good morning." Arthur smiled, taking one of your hands in both of his. You looked to your other arm, which was hooked up to an IV. Bandages wrapped around your skinny stomach under the vomit colored hospital gown. "The doctor said you might feel loopy after the anesthesia." Your dad continued, "How do you feel?"

"This..." You started, looking slowly around the room. "Yes?" Arthur urged.

"This sucks."

  Your uncle Matt, who was sitting beside your dad, burst into laughter. "I knew she'd be hilarious..." He stammered out through the laughter. You looked to him with sleepy eyes. "Oh, hi." You said. "Hi." He smiled, "This probably does suck, doesn't it?" 

"...Yes. IVs suck." You frowned, looking to the tube coming out of your arm. "I know, right?" He smirked. You smiled at him. Uncle Matt was cool.

"See Artie, she's feeling better already!"

Hey guys! I got this idea in the middle of Algebra and just had to do it! Also uncle matt needed more attention because he is too precious. You know I love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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