Chapter 58

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Oh gosh, I hit 10k reads! Thank you all so much! Seriously, i'm about to cry happy tears... In celebration, if you guys wanna find me on instagram (i run a fandom account but i always love getting dms!), i'm aphpersia (cabbage with emotional baggage)! My tumblr is aph-chocolate-milkshake if you wanna find me on there too. I love you all so so so so so so much!!

     Arthur poked his head in your room a few hours later, when the sun was almost below the horizon. You and Emil were still fast asleep against the wall beside your bed. Emil had migrated to where he was hugging you in his sleep and you were curled up against him. The Brit had a small smile on his lips as he draped a blanket over you two before pulling out his phone.

  Arthur: They must have been tired, considering Emil and (y/n) are still asleep. He's welcome to stay and keep sleeping if that's okay with you.

Lukas: He hasn't really slept much recently. If it's no trouble to you.

Arthur: Oh, not at all. They look too comfy to disturb anyway.

Lukas: Awe


  Emil's eyes fluttered open, widening in surprise when he didn't recognize his surroundings. He was about to sit up when a weight on his arm made him look down. You were curled up against his chest, hands in loose fists as you slept peacefully. The light from the sun outside the window lit up the room, and when the teen looked around yesterday came flooding back. He was shocked he had been allowed to sleep this long in someone else's house, let alone in someone's bed with them. The movement he made when he took in his surroundings made you stir, and Emil quickly lied back down onto the pillow his head rested on and wrapped his free arm around you to keep you asleep. It had been obvious the previous day you hadn't slept well recently, and he knew you needed sleep more than he did. You nuzzled him in your sleep, curling closer to him as he hugged you.

  He heard footsteps and quickly closed his eyes in fake slumber. The teen could hear your dad chuckle to himself from the doorway and resisted the urge to tense as the Brit approached the bed. Arthur adjusted the covers so they covered Emil's shoulders and only when the footsteps retreated did he dare open an eye. You were still peacefully asleep, making him sigh quietly in relief. The silver haired male put his chin on your head and hugged you closer to him until he fell asleep once again.


  Alfred: The plane should be landing in an hour ish.

Arthur: Okay. You're gonna love this.

Alfred: What?

Arthur: Emil and (y/n) were still asleep and if was getting late, so I texted his brother and Lukas said Emil could stay and sleep if he wanted to since neither him nor (y/n) had gotten a lot of sleep. They're still sleeping right now and I peeked in to find them cuddling. It's super cute.

Alfred: Oh my goD


Arthur: I'm not going to wake them up because they look too comfy, so we might have to take a raincheck on visiting (y/n)...

Alfred: Awe. I understand.

  Alfred sighed as he leaned back into his chair, a smile on his lips. "What?" Matthew asked him. "Look at this." The American said, showing him the text Arthur sent. "Aww!" Matthew said, "That's the cutest thing!"

  "I know, right? He doesn't want to wake them up, so I can't visit today. It's okay though, I agree that (y/n) needs her sleep." Alfred stated with a grin. "Makes sense. I'm glad she's doing so good." Matthew sighed happily.


   You opened an eye to find yourself staring into a warm white t-shirt. Leaning your head back, you discovered Emil sleeping soundly, hugging you too himself with his chin once on your head. The events of yesterday came back to you and you blushed as you realized you two had fallen asleep and slept through the night. How was Arthur okay with this? You weren't even going to question it. You curled up to Emil once again, thoroughly enjoying this cuddle until his eyes fluttered open a few minutes later. 

  "Morning." You said quietly, and he smiled down at you from under his bedhead. "Hey..." He mumbled, taking this opportunity to kiss you on the tip of your nose. You covered your mouth with your hand to muffle your giggle and blush, then, feeling daring, quickly gave him a kiss on the nose in return. He smirked and crossed his eyes to look at his nose, making you giggle so hard you snorted. He chuckled as you recovered and put your head to his chest. "Sleep well?" You asked quietly. "Yeah, you?" Emil replied. You nodded and sighed as you muttered, "I don't wanna get up."

  "Me neither," Emil said, "You wanna go back to sleep?"



  Arthur walked silently up the stairs, carrying two plates of eggs in his hands. You and Emil were still out cold, so he set the eggs on the night stand before slowly opening the blinds, causing the sun to shine directly in both your eyes. As you stirred he crept out of the room and down the stairs to avoid being caught.

  You and Emil both stirred, opening your eyes only to squint them as the sun burned your vision. Emil slapped a hand over his face and you reached for your phone. "It's noon." You mumbled. He nodded and looked past you between a gap in his fingers. "There are eggs on the night stand." He said curiously. You sat up and looked over to find he was right. "Oh, sweet." You grinned, handing him a plate as he sat up beside you. 

  Once you had eaten the eggs, you swung your legs off the edge of the bed and stood up. "You wanna get up, or sleep more?" You asked. "I'll get up." Emil smiled, rolling to the edge of the bed and standing up beside you. You grabbed the empty plates and wandered downstairs with Emil behind you to put them in the kitchen sink. Arthur was sitting on the couch watching TV when you reached the bottom, and he smiled when he saw you and Emil standing there with messy hair. "Morning." He said, "The boss gave me some days off for you."

  "Oh, sweet." You smiled as you walked into the kitchen. "Oh, Emil, Lukas called." Arthur said. Emil turned to look at the Brit. "He said him and your brothers have meetings all day at work, so you can go home if you want, but you're more than welcome to stay here." Your dad smiled. Emil smiled tiredly back and said, "If it's no trouble."

"Oh, none at all." Arthur said.

  Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this extreme cuteness! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me on insta and tumblr if you want! Once again, I love you all so much. Asta la Pasta~

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