Chapter 68

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  You sighed as you walked home from school with Emil by your side. The male glanced to you and jerked his head slightly behind him. A few minutes later you turned your head just enough to see that the man who had been regularly following you two to and from school was there once again. "damn." You muttered under your breath. "Tell your dad." Emil stated quietly so the stranger could not hear, "It's been three days, (y/n)."

   "Fine, i'll take another selfie with you, you nerd." You said at normal volume, pulling out your phone. Emil leaned in and made a face as you snapped a few photos that included the stranger behind you. As you neared your apartment, Emil looked at you with raised eyebrows. "I promise." You stated, and he squeezed your hand before you ran up the stairs to your home.

Emil: Once again he left as soon as you went into your house.

You: I wonder why he seems to only give a shit about me tho???

Emil: Who knows. But seriously, this is dangerous. Tell your dad or I will.

You: I will dude. He's not home right now.

Emil: Okay


   Arthur yawned as he unlocked the door to his apartment, the warm air inside a nice relief from the sharp, cold air outside. "I'm home." He called tiredly. You poked your head from your room and looked at him. "How was your day?" Your dad asked as he sat on the couch tiredly. "F-Fine." You said somewhat nervously. "You okay?" He asked, concern suddenly in his voice. You leaned on the railing and closed your eyes. "You have to promise not to freak out." You said suddenly. Arthur raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Promise." You insisted. "I... I promise not to freak out." The Brit said slowly, "Now tell me what's wrong please."

  "This creepy dude has been following me and Emil to and from school the last couple days. Emil says as soon I as go in the house he turns around and goes back the way he came."

  Pure terror consumed Arthur's face. He opened his mouth angrily. "You promised." You stated before he could say anything. The blond closed his mouth and closed his eyes. "How long?" He said, obviously trying to suppress his rage. "Three days. I thought he just happened to have the same route to wherever creepy dudes go during the day, but after Emil told me he leaves as soon as I go inside I think it has something to do with me." You explained nervously, "I snuck pictures of him."

  "Show me." Arthur commanded. You jogged down the stairs and pulled out your phone. "He walks really close to us and it's weird." You said quietly as you showed him the photo you took today.  The Brit was trying very hard to not get upset, which made you slightly terrified. "I-I'm sorry..." You muttered. "Don't be." Arthur said with a sigh, "Just be careful."

  "I will." You said quietly.


Arthur leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling. His laptop was balanced on his lap, papers scattered around the couch he was sprawled out on. He couldn't stop worrying over you, who had gone to bed hours ago. The fact that you waited so long to tell him you were being practically stalked concerned him. Just as he was about to force himself to get back to work his phone buzzed beside. The Brit sighed and answered it. "Hello?" He asked tiredly. "Hey, Iggs," Alfred said cheerily, "What's up?"

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