Chapter 119

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boy howdy almost 120 chapters

i have a long way to go before chapter 420

    "I'm home early!" Arthur called cheerily, closing the door behind him before racing up the stairs. You were sitting in your blanket nest on your bed, still in your pajamas with your GameBoy in your hands. "Did you sit in bed all day?" He frowned. You nodded, not looking up from the old device. "Did you eat anything?" The Brit asked carefully. You stopped pressing buttons and looked up to him in thought before your eyes widened. "Oh, shit. No." You muttered. Arthur sighed deeply. "Well, you have to go to the doctor today for a follow up. I don't think they'll be to pleased you aren't eating." He mumbled. "I'm sorry." You said quietly, and he quickly shook his head and smiled. "No, no. It's okay. Just eat something before we go in a few minutes."

Arthur: You two have created a monster

Alfred: What

Matthew: What

Arthur: I came home from work to find out that (y/n) hasn't eaten or left her room this entire day because she was playing fucking Pokemon

Alfred: Now that's what I call dedication

Matthew: Holy shit make her eat something

Arthur: I am making her a sandwich and she's gonna eat it if I have to shove it down her throat

    After you had eaten a sandwich and changed into something publicly acceptable, Arthur ushered you out the door and into the car. "When was the last time you went to the doctor? Besides the hospital..." He asked casually. "Good question." You replied, making him hold back a sigh of exasperation. "What did you used to do when you got sick, then?" He muttered. "Overdose on whatever was in the medicine cupboard." You said quietly, making his eyes widen. He said nothing, but dug his phone out of his pocket as soon as you arrived.

Arthur: When your kid doesn't remember the last time she went to the doctor for like a regular checkup

Matthew: Oh god

Arthur: I asked her what she did when she got sick and she said she'd OD on whatever was in her mom's medicine cupboard

Alfred: Fucking shit

Matthew: How the fuck is she alive

   "Alright, go on." The Brit ushered you toward the nurse when your name was called, "I'll be out here."

   You sighed and followed the smiling lady with a bored expression while Arthur sat back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, picking up a random magazine. The nurse returned only a moment later, marching up to him with a concerned expression. "Oh boy." Arthur said sarcastically as she sat beside him. "Mister Kirkland, we're gonna need you to come in back to go over some information." She said slowly. "Alright." He sighed, setting down the magazine and hoisting himself to his feet. She held the door that led to the exam rooms for him before leading him down the hall to where you were. You had the same bored expression as you sat on the exam bed, looking to your dad with vague curiosity. "She doesn't have a lot of information..." The nurse said, sitting down in front of the computer and patting the chair beside her.

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