Chapter 84

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    Your eyes fluttered open slowly, the light from the window burning your vision. The house was oddly silent. A smile formed on your face as you sat up excitedly, throwing the blankets off of your legs and standing up so fast you blacked out momentarily. Grabbing some comfy sweatpants and an oversized shirt, you wandered down the dark hallway to the bathroom. The warm shower water felt amazing, and you were in there until the water began to run cold. Once you were dry and your hair was in a messy bun (if your hair is short like mine just pretend you dried it without brushing it), you put on the sweatpants and too big shirt and went to throw your dirty clothes in the hamper.

  With a content sigh, you bounced down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen to your beloved fridge. "Morning." A voice said behind you as you opened the cold refrigerator door. You whipped around to face the source of the sound and nearly fainted. Alfred, Matthew, Francis, Gilbert, and Toni sat around the tiny table, looking at you expectantly. "Why did you take ten thousand years to shower? We've been waiting forever." Alfred said, resting his elbows on the table. "I live here." You stated, "How did you get in?"

  "We found the spare key." Toni said with a grin. "But why, though?" You sighed, running a hand through your hair with the hand not clutching the fridge handle.

"Arthur said you'd make us breakfast!" Matthew said excitedly. The others nodded happily. "I'm gonna need more fucking eggs." You muttered.


  Once you returned from the store with another dozen eggs and more milk, you were surprised to find the men all still sitting at the table. "Did you even move?" You asked as you set the bag on the counter and got out a pan. "No." They all said collectively, followed by a "Did you really go out wearing sweatpants?" from Francis. "Yes, I did. Fight me." You said, washing your hands in the kitchen sink. "Yeah man, don't judge." Gilbert laughed to the Frenchman. You took out the KitchenAid mixer and threw in the pancake mix with the required ingredients. As it began to mix, you took out a bowl and began to crack eggs into it. A loud knock at the door made you jump slightly, the cracked egg in your hand getting yolk on your fingers. "The fuck?" You muttered, glaring at the direction of the door. "I'll get it!" Alfred said, jumping up and sprinting to the door.

   The American opened the door to find a young male standing there. "Who're you?" Alfred asked. "I'm Richard, (y/n)'s friend. Is she here?" The brunette said curiously, standing on his toes to peek past your uncle. You heard Richard's voice and closed your eyes in irritation. "(y/n), this kid named Richard is here." Alfred called to you. "Go away, Richard!" You called back irritably as you stirred the eggs with a spoon. "(y/n), I wanna talk to you!" The young male said, his eyes narrowing. Alfred continued to stand there, awkwardly holding the door open. You said nothing, but turned on the stove and set the pan on it as the pancake batter mixed.

  "Let me in!" Richard exclaimed, trying to get past the American. "Dude, I don't know who you are, but she obviously doesn't wanna see you." Alfred said. The preppy brunette glared at him. "(y/n)!!! You're gonna regret this!" He yelled. "I'm trying to make pancakes. Quit distracting me." You called back. "You sure you should be eating pancakes? Those are really fattening." Richard questioned. You straightened your back and widened your eyes, putting the cup with the first scoop of pancake batter on the counter. "Excuse me??" Alfred said angrily, and the men at the table looked to the door with fury. "What the fuck did you just say?" You said, walking out of the kitchen and into the hall. "There you are. What's with that getup?" The male said, raising an eyebrow at you. Alfred looked to you with a look that said, "Can I kill this kid yet?"

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